Saturday, May 3, 2008

Yesterday was our school picnic to Six Flags. We were supposed to send the kids to their classrooms and go to mass as a school then they would hand out the tickets. Kelsey's friends decided to not go because the weather forecast called for thunderstorms. For an additional $10 you can trade your ticket for another day. Dave took the kids to school so I could get ready. I told him to ask around to see what the majority of the families were doing . I didn't want to get out there and be the only family walking around Six Flags in the rain. Dave called me around 9:15 frantic, he wanted to know which kid I sent the ticket order form through. Like I would possibly remember which kid seemed to be the most responsible on that particular day, 8 weeks ago. To make a long story short, they figured out our tickets were in Kelsey's backpack sitting at Cracker Barrel twenty minutes away. This went over like a turd in a punch bowl with my less than patient husband. This years school picnic had the potential of being the day that mom killed daddy because he can't handle stress. He left to go get the tickets from Kelsey and we finally hit the road around 10:30. We were cruising along and then traffic stopped, the highway was shut down because the president was in town. Could anything else go wrong??? We finally arrived at Six Flags at around 11:45, we took the scenic route. The kids had a great time and the weather held out. I do have a favor to ask of any readers out there who have junior high age children. If your kids ever go to any type of amusement park, please make sure they wear extra deodorant. When they ride these roller coasters, they get so nervous that they sweat and then they stink and I have to smell them the whole time I am in line. Not pleasant!!!I survived the day and headed to pick Shannon up from her eighth grade Mystery Trip. They all had a good time as well. When we got back in the car I found out from Ryan that Shannon broke up with her boyfriend. If I remember correctly, Ryan was the one who told me she had a boyfriend in the first place. I swear, Shannon and I are practically soul mates. I guess she feels sharing the fact that she cut of the foot of the frog in science class and kept it, was more important than sharing her love life with me. After all, I'm old, what could I possibly know.

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