Sunday, June 8, 2008

Last night I had my 25th grade school reunion. It was so nice to see everyone and go down memory lane. It was especially neat for me since Shannon graduated from eighth grade this year. My hope is that my children are able to keep their special bond with their classmates as I have. I feel so blessed to be back in touch with so many of my old friends. We laughed and laughed all night telling old stories. What an amazing group of people.

Kelsey had a few girls spend the night the other day. She was telling her dad that her friends were walking with her up the sidewalk when Kelsey cut through are lawn to get to the front door. One of the girls told her that she was afraid to walk on our lawn because the grass looks so perfect. She decided to share this story with her father. She knew it would make him so proud to receive such a wonderful compliment about his cherished lawn. Instead he said "Kelsey why were you walking on my grass?" He was kidding of course. I think???

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