Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am about two weeks into soccer season and I am considering finding a concrete wall to ram my head against. It seems that every time I turn around the coaches have scheduled another scrimmage or the team managers need another check. My kids lost my palm pilot so I bought a new one last week. I finally had some time this evening to enter some data. It looks like I am booked solid through November. I still haven't put Shannon's cheerleading schedule in. I sure wish they would lower the driving age to twelve. That would make my life a breeze. Ryan had a baseball game last night. After the game we had to rush out to pick Kelsey up from practice. It was the first time that Ryan rode in the van since we got it back from our friends. They detailed it for me before they returned it. It has never looked better. Ryan got in and said "Oh my God, is this our van??? It is spotless, they even scraped all of the gum out of the cup holders." OK, french fries on the floor I can deal with, but why would anyone put gum in a cup holder???

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