Dave got six free hockey tickets last week. Four of the seats were together and two of them were a row over. Dave brought his friend Bryan and his son and Ryan. He gave the other two tickets to Lauren and Mike. Lauren called me the next day to report that every time she saw Ryan, he had something new in his hand, Dippin Dots, nachos, soda. She said "Dad acted like Ryan was an only child, he didn't even ask me if I wanted anything." Last time I checked she has a job and so does her boyfriend. I say, if she wants cotton candy she should buy it herself!!!! Dave asked her, "Did you ask for anything?" She of course said, "I don't think I should have to, you should know. " I'm so proud, she will make an excellent wife someday, my little prodigy.
Shannon came home from school excited. She said "Mom, I don't have an F in Health. I have a 68% that is a D, A 65% and under is an F. I was so relieved, I said "Shannon that is fabulous, your father and I are going to get on the phone first thing in the morning to see if there is still room for you in the gifted program.
We had a dinner dance in Mexico MO last night. Dave decided to drink a whole bottle of wine. He decided that having a hangover would be a good excuse to not finish the St Patricks Day race he was in today. Somewhere in his warped brain that actually sounded logical. We stayed the night in Mexico and got up at 6:00 to make it back home in time for the race and parade. When we got home, the kids were all still asleep and Maggie was running a fever. I pumped her full of Advil and had grandma take care of her while we were at the race. I told grandma to bring her up to the parade if she perked up. Dave was able to finish the race, hangover and all. What a stallion, (Not) he finished in 42 minutes(4 miles), not too shabby for an almost 40 year old. Mike finished in 32 minutes and Kelsey in 35 minutes. Maggie felt better and was able to make it to the parade. Dave entered a float for his company and everyone had fun throwing out candy and trinkets. Ryan got to ride his unicycle and was hamming it up the whole way. I did learn a valuable lesson today. Never use fabric paint on your children's face. Unless of course you don't mind having your child go through life looking like an Irish flag.
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