Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homecoming Friday night turned out fine. When I got home from work, Erin and Shannon were screaming at each other and the house was still a mess. I said "Shannon, what have you been doing all day?" She looked at me like I was incredibly stupid and said, "my hair." Oh I'm sorry, I thought you invited half the class to our house for pictures, I must have been mistaken. She decided now would be a good time to start vacuuming. Around this time the rest of the kids were coming home from school, Kelsey had to leave right away to meet her coach to go out of town on her soccer trip and Ryan decided to not clean his room and stand directly on my last nerve the whole time I was working on Erin's hair and make up. We were able to throw the house together pretty quickly and get everyone ready. I swear I have this whole hair and makeup thing down to a science. By the time Maggie is in high school, I can do it in my sleep.

We had the Powder Puff football game the next day. I think it is fairly safe to say that Erin/Sybil is the worst Powder Puff football player in the history of the school. Two Juniors blazed right past her and scored touchdowns. She did look awfully cute in her pink tights though. That evening it is a tradition for the Juniors to tee pee the Seniors and vise versa. We don't have trees in our front yard so I figured that we were OK. Well maybe not...... Unfortunately for us it rained. We have six daughters, toilet paper is like gold in our house. Had it not rained, I considered re-rolling it and stocking up!!

Erin left today to go visit Spring Hill College in Alabama. She has never been on a plane before so this is quite the adventure for her. Dave took her to the airport. She doesn't have her ticket yet, I bought it through Priceline and they just gave me her itinerary, she has to get the electronic ticket when she gets there. It was kind of like the blind leading the blind, sending her with Dave. He called me to tell me that she made it to her gate and they didn't have any problems. He said that she will have to do it on her own on the return flight. He said "Don't worry, I gave her my trick." I said, "Oh God, what is that." He said, "I went up to the counter, acted really stupid and let the lady do it for me."

Lauren called me yesterday, she is on like her fourth week of medically induced menopause. She said that her hot flashes were so bad last night that she took off all of her clothes and laid against the brick wall in her dorm room to try to cool down. I am so thankful that she doesn't have a room mate.

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