Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I am now in week four of my half marathon training schedule. It is crystal clear that now that I am over forty I am out of my ever living mind. I hate to run, I could think of many things I would rather do than run. My darling husband is also training, he started a couple of weeks after I did. He lost 7 lbs after running three times. I really hate him for that. Last night it was too cold to run outside so I ran on the tread mill, Dave ran outside and came back and said, "It gets easier and easier each time I run." OK , I don't remember ever asking his opinion. Nobody likes an overachiever!!

Erin/Sybil/AKA, liar, liar pants on fire, got in a tad bit of trouble this weekend. I got mad at her on Thursday night and told her she was not to spend the night anywhere on Friday, she needed to come home. I am tired of her being gone all the time. She needs to make time to finish all her college applications. I guess she thought I was kidding and decided to stay out anyway. I called her Saturday morning at work and asked her where in the blankety blank blank she was last night. She said, "I was at Allie's, I'm sorry, I completely forgot I was supposed to come home. I said, "Oh that's OK honey, you are in luck, I just fell off the turnip truck." Or I said something like, "Oh you will remember from now on because you will be spending lots of time at home, like forever."

That evening I had to volunteer at Erin and Shannon's school for the Hall Of Fame Dinner. I guess Erin forgot that I would be spending the evening with Allie's mother and would find out that she didn't spend the night at Allie's after all. We finally pieced the story together and found out all the girls spent the night at Amanda's not Allies. My guess is that Amanda's parents weren't home and the alcohol was going down pretty fast. Granted, I'm glad no one drove but I would prefer she was at home reading the bible.

To make a long story short, Erin/Sybil is spending allot of quality time at home. This week is mission week at school. Each night a different classmate has a party and charges $5 to get in, all money goes to the missions. Erin's argument was "Mom can I please go, it is for Zambia." She even offered to pull up the YouTube video so I could see what a great cause that she wanted to support. I explained that she could still donate her $5, but little liars need to spend time with their mother's instead.

I don't know if Erin/Sybil and I will survive to the end of her senior year. She still hasn't made a final decision about college. I'm thinking of dropping her off in Zambia, she could really make a difference there.

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