Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dave and I got a small glimpse of what the summer of 2010 may be like and let me tell you, we are in for a real treat. I believe there is only room for one Queen Witch with a "B' this summer and Erin and Lauren are fighting it out. You see Lauren previously held the title until she moved in to her own apartment and Erin not only has filled her shoes, she has done so well she has overflown the shoes. Just ask Ryan!!

Lauren came home last night and immediately started listing all the things she noticed in the house that needed to change. Most importantly the smell of dog pee. I am with her on that one!!Of course that may actually require someone getting up from the couch and letting the dog out. Yeah, that is an impossible feet, I will just stock up on Febreeze. She then went on to lecture us how our kids needed discipline and they get away with murder, most especially Erin. Dave and I just ignored the mini conflicts brewing and went to bed.

This morning we awoke to the two Queen B's fighting, I think they both called each other witches with a "B" several times (hey when did they decide that type of language was acceptable?) and Lauren grabbed an alli when she pretended to be concerned about the way Erin treats her precious baby brother. Ryan fell for it and chose Queen B Lauren's side, that is until she turns on him and stings him with her heiness witchiness with a "B." Erin needed me to move the car so she could get out of the driveway, Dave asked me for the check card and Queen Lauren threw a fit because she thought Dave was going to fill up Erin's gas tank. Once he assured her he had no intention of filling her gas tank, he was just going to buy some milk so Maggie and Ryan could eat she was breathing a little easier.

Ryan has a new habit of drawing on himself, that
just made my already stressful morning a tad more chaotic. He drew some sort of tattoo on his hand and he wrote the word strong across one bicep and man across the other. If anyone knows my son, you can think of several adjectives to describe him and strong man wouldn't make the list. He has a tendency to make a skeleton look overweight. During all the Lauren/Erin fight I instructed him to find some soap and scrub the graffiti off his body.

Last night Erin needed some help with her child psychology paper she was writing. She wanted to know what she was like as an infant and a toddler. I pulled out my old diary and we all had a good laugh. Unfortunately I only have a handful of entries. One of them described Erin as a baby, I think i wrote something like, "you are such a little piggy, you ate 6 donut holes and smashed a couple in your hair." Some things never change. Another entry explained how when she was a little over 2 and Shannon was a baby, every time Shannon would cry and I wasn't in the room Erin would yell, "She got hurt all by herself." She always made sure to cover all her bases. I also wrote how Erin used to love the show Rescue 911 and how she would put Shannon on the ground and preform CPR and Shannon would just lay there and let her. Oh how I miss the days of smashed donut holes and getting hurt "all by herself." Now I have smashed cars and cat fights!!

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