Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May is such a crazy time of year, I don't know if I'm coming our going. Four of my kids are at a great crossroad of their life. Kelsey is finishing up eighth grade and trying to figure out who she is and where she fits. Erin is finishing up her senior year and figuring out how to spend as much time fighting with her mother as she can, Lauren is finishing up her senior year of college and trying to figure out where to enroll in graduate school and what her future will bring. Sam is finishing up graduate school and trying to buy her first car and getting ready to start her first big girl job in her chosen field. I am still muddling through trying to figure out how to be the worst mother on the planet. (just ask Erin)

Seriously though, Dave and I are incredibly proud of our kids. They are far from perfect and anyone who reads my blog can attest to that, but they are great kids. Sam and Lauren have spent the majority of their college days on the Deans List, Erin has been on the honor roll all through high school and Kelsey has been on honor roll all through elementary school. The amazing part is that they have achieved such academic success all the while having the worlds greatest under achiever academically as their mother. Thank God my old report cards aren't laying around the house!!!

Erin is starting to stress about leaving all of her friends. She told me yesterday that she is planning on getting a Skype camera to take with her everywhere so she can still socialize with her friends while she is in Alabama. Of course she made no mention of missing her mother.

I found out Friday that I have a stress fracture on my shin bone. I may have come in last place in the family at the half marathon but I feel I should get extra points for completing it with a BROKEN LEG. Ok either extra points or a dunce cap. No wonder those hills hurt so bad. I took 4 Advil before the start of the race. I am tougher than I look. I was planning on running another half marathon in October but most likely won't be able to train because my shin won't have enough time to heal. Maybe I should have drank my milk as a kid!!! Are you listening Ryan?? I guess I have a good excuse to sit on my lazy butt all summer. I feel the best way to heal a stress fracture is to spend the summer in a lounge chair with a tall ice tea and a good book!!

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