Saturday, August 14, 2010

So I dropped off little Sybil at college last weekend : ( She was supposed to get all of her thank you notes finished from her graduation party during the twelve hour car ride. She decided to sleep for twelve hours instead. I held her hostage in an Alabama hotel room and told her she couldn't move into her dorm in the morning until she finished all of her cards. By the time we rolled in to Mobile, Dave and I were no longer speaking. He wouldn't listen to me when I told him to turn right, he insisted that the college was left. To make a long story short we, OK "I" screamed at him for the last 10 minutes of our trip. Had he listened to me, we would have arrived a little sooner and there would have been no need to drive through a crack neighborhood!!
Erin and I decided to eat at Denney's before we checked into the hotel. Dave decided to sit in the van and pout. Ten minutes later the big baby decided he was hungry and came in and sat in silence. The only thing we heard out of him was when he ordered his food. The next day he told me that I forced him to hit the button that turns him inside out and into quiet mode. I need to find a quicker route to that button!!

We moved Erin in without incident, her room mate is adorable and they have so much in common that it is scary. I am excited for her, I know that she will have a great college experience. Maggie tells me that she has a new fake ID. Oh that makes me happy!!! Sam and Lauren are planning a trip to New Orleans for Mardis Gras now that Erin lives so close to New Orleans and has a fake ID. I think that is every parents dream to have three of her drunk daughters at Mardis Gras with 5 lbs of beads around their necks. They make me oh so proud!

The kids all start school this week. I can't believe Kelsey is starting high school. She is running cross country and is doing really well. I told Erin that she was doing well at Cross Country and she said, "I know Lauren told me she is really ripped." Kelsey was in the kitchen in a sports bra and shorts the other day and Lauren was having a cow because her ab muscles are so good. I guess she had to run and call her sister to crab that Kelsey has a better waistline than she does. They won't be taking her to Mardis Gras with them!

Before we left to take Erin to college I told Shannon that if she kept a B average that I would fly her to Alabama to visit her sister. She didn't even think about it and said, "Um how about a C ?" It looks like Shannon is going to really buckle down this year and take school seriously.

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