Big families are never easy, but always fun. A sense of humor is a requirement while raising seven kids especially if 6 of them are girls.
My Blog List
5 years. It has been 5 years.8 years ago
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
My little old man with her best friend the little old lady.
I posted pictures of all of my kids that trick or treated in our neighborhood. Erin and Shannon trick or treated in their friends neighborhoods. Erin went home with a friend after school and got ready over there. Most likely so she can leave the house dressed kind of trampy in her mini skirt and stilettos. Normally I would try to have a little more control over what she wears out of the house but I figure she will change as soon as I am out of sight anyway. Besides, just having a night free of Erin/Sybils mood swings is kind of nice, at this point I don't care if she goes trick or treating as part of a nudist colony as long as she is not in my zip code!!
I won the costume contest today at work. I got twenty dollars!! Pretty cool, my head is still itchy and I think my eyebrows are stained black for a while but it was fun. Someone even blew me a kiss from a stoplight. I guess I have to look like a dominatrix to get attention while I am driving these days.
Kelsey weighed her candy, she says tonight's haul combined with what is still left from trunk or treat is over 12 pounds. I think at least 8 lbs of that candy will end up on my butt by Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I am actually wearing this crazy get up tomorrow to work. I am pretty proud of the gloves, I bought those 99 cent stretch gloves, cut off the fingers and hot glued aluminum foil to the tips. Pretty ingenious if I do say so myself. Dave is out of town for work, he comes home tomorrow to a biker babe. Lucky him!!
The kids are still on fall break, they are already bored. I got home from my classes today at 2:30, Maggie was still in her pajama's and once again there were candy wrappers all over the floor. What makes my children think that it is a good idea to eat candy all day and just throw the wrappers on the floor? Did they think I wouldn't notice??
The tooth fairy remembered last night to come. Yeah!! We went out to dinner tonight, I asked Maggie if she got her money from the tooth fairy? She said, "no, I don't even know where my tooth went?" I told her that daddy put it under her pillow when he carried her off to bed. She fell asleep on the couch. We actually remembered the tooth fairy for once and she forgot to check under her pillow. I give up!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
We took Kelsey to soccer practice, Shannon to her friends house and then we were heading to the mall. Erin was driving. Yikes!! On the way to practice Kelsey realized she had one of her old spikes and one new one. Lucky for her, it was a left and a right, one was just smaller than the other. I wasn't about to go back home. The quicker I can get out of the car with Erin driving the better. She would have to deal with the lopsided shoe thing. We got to the mall safely and in one piece. Erin was looking for shoes for her Halloween costume. She found a pair on clearance for $5.00 not exactly what she wanted but they will do. I think we passed the annoying girls at the hand lotion kiosk about 4 times. By the end of my shopping trip with Erin/Sybil I was ready to scream "No I am not interested in your stupid hand lotion!! Back away or I'm going to go postal on you!!" I realized at 7:25 that I had lost track of time and I left hop a long Kelsey with two different shoes at practice. Luckily I got a hold of Dave and he was in our driveway when I called so he was able to go get her in time.
Maggie lost another tooth today. Enough already!! I believe that is three teeth in less than two weeks. I am going to try my hardest to remember this time. Please say a little prayer that the tooth fairy doesn't call in sick again tonight!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Kelsey had three girls over to spend the night. They are on fall break all week. I don't know the parents very well since we are still fairly new to the school. When one of the girls got dropped off I was talking to her mom in the front yard. She was surprised when she found out I had college age kids. She said"Oh my gosh, you don't look old enough to have kids that old." I said my standard response "I started young but I feel old." My darling daughter Maggie, innocently kicking a soccer ball around in the front yard, piped in with "yeah she had her first baby when she was a teenager, I'm the youngest." Thanks for sharing all the family secrets Maggie. I'm sure this mother now has a wonderful first impression of me. I was 18 not 13 but I didn't feel like explaining, I just let her leave with her imagination running wild.
I went to the store to pick up a few snacks. Erin and Lauren went with me. They raced to the front seat and tied. They both sat in front on the way there. There are six other seats in the van and those two still have to fight over the front seat. Some things never change. Lauren is 20 and she will still knock someone out over the front seat. My deodorant disappeared off of my bathroom sink this morning. I had to use Old Spice deodorant today. I asked Lauren if she had seen my deodorant? She said"check my purse it might be in there." Sure enough that's where it was. I also found all of my make-up, my hair straightener, hairspray, shampoo and conditioner as well as my body wash up in Erin's bathroom. I love going on a scavenger hunt every night looking for all the things I need to keep up with my personal hygiene and beauty. One of the lovely pitfalls of having 6 daughters. I never have tampons, deodorant, or mascara.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
Lauren is coming home tomorrow for me to do her hair for a wedding. She told me last week
that I wasn't allowed to go to any of her siblings games tomorrow so I could fix her hair. Her boyfriend reminded her that she wasn't actually in the wedding so she probably could just do her own hair. That didn't go over real well with her. She called me tonight while I was at Trunk or Treat to ask me what time I planned on waking up in the morning. She has to be completely ready by 1:00. I guess she feels she needs more than 4 hours to become Cinderella.
Sam has parent weekend at her college. I think they are planning some type of Tennis match or something, parents vs kids for her soccer team. Sam is at her school on scholarship and financial aid. Most of her peers were born with silver spoons in their mouths. We on the otherhand didn't even use utensils for most meals. The girls are all really nice but I am not looking forward to playing tennis with a bunch of people who probably take lessons every summer at the country club!! I think I might rather go back to Trunk Or Treat or maybe even the art museum!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Parent teacher conferences were tonight. I was kind of dreading going to Maggie's for two reasons, one, she is struggling a little bit with reading and well, you know, the whole nun costume on the wrong day thing. The conference actually went well, her reading is much better and she did really well on her last skills assessment. Shannon and Kelsey were the same, they both could do better if they applied themselves more but as a whole they both do well. I really liked both of their teachers. Ryan's teacher said he is doing well but he did get an N for needs improvement for respecting others property. She said that some of the boys, my little angel included, like to take other student's pencils, break them in half and throw them across the room. I asked her, "what was wrong with that?" She didn't mention anything about the backpack full of spit wads that he has. She told me that one day she threatened to take his chair away because he can't sit in it for longer than two seconds. Luckily for him, he is really smart so all of his grades are good, I am hoping his maturity will come along at some time in the near future. Last year in his religion book when he was supposed to be drawing faces showing emotions on the people in his religion book, he was drawing rotten teeth and nose rings and tattoo's. Everyone loves a comedian. That is everyone except a teacher!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The tooth fairy was supposed to visit again last night. She called in sick again. I think she may have a drinking problem because she has shown up days late for work more times than I would care to count. Erin was home from school sick today. I remembered about the absent minded tooth fairy when I got to work. I called home and told Erin to check and see if Maggie even remembered to put her tooth under her pillow. She lost it early in the day, she may have forgotten at bed time. If her tooth was under the pillow I instructed Erin to crumple up a dollar and throw it behind her headboard. We will just tell Maggie she must have knocked it off the edge of her bed while she was sleeping. I have 7 kids , they each have twenty baby teeth. I have used the crumpled dollar behind the headboard several times!! It works like a charm.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
I went to Pets Mart tonight looking for some type of padlock to keep the dog in his crate. The vacuum on it's side is no longer doing the trick. I was unsuccessful in finding any type of lock but I did find another interesting product. It was called Dog Ease Pheromone made with St. Johns Wort. It was a plug in solution that releases pheromones in the air to help relieve your pets stress. WHAT!!!!! What kind of stress can a dog possibly have?? I am thinking about buying a dozen of them and plugging them in, in every room of the house. Maybe it will help my stressed out husband. I can't imagine how anyone could be so stressed out all the time when they are lucky enough to be married to me. He is at Walgreens right now refilling his high blood pressure medicine. The doctor tells him to take one a day, I tell him to take three!!!
Lauren and her boyfriend Mike took Ryan and Maggie to the pumpkin patch to pick out a couple of pumpkins. When they got back with their pumpkins I was a little surprised at the pumpkins that they picked. Lauren said they didn't have too many left to chose from. The one Ryan was carrying was all bumpy and wrinkly. Dave said "that is pretty wrinkly" Ryan responded "yeah it was special to me, it reminded me of mom." OK I guess I will let that one slide considering I scrubbed his neck with bathroom cleanser today.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
It is so nice to have a clean house. I wonder how long it will last?? I was able to sit outside on my deck today, enjoying the beautiful fall day. I drew a few pictures of trees and plants in my sketch book for homework for my art class. I didn't even sit in the drivers seat of the van all day. I kind of missed my old friend. NOT!!! I guess this is the kind of relaxing normal people do every weekend. That is, people who didn't take the phrase "be fruitful and multiply" quite as literally as we did.
Lauren and her boyfriend Mike came over for dinner tonight. Shannon's friends all have a huge crush on Lauren's boyfriend . We went up to the fall festival at church this afternoon. Shannon had been up there all day working, earning her service hours. When we arrived a crowd of eighth grade girls came barrelling in the side entrance of the gym . I smiled and said "Hi girls, are you that happy to see me or could it be Mike??" They looked embarrassed and ran away giggling.
Tomorrow is the big day. Maggie gets to wear her Margaret Mary costume to school for the prayer service. I am thinking of whipping up a costume for myself so I can show up in a disguise so no one knows that I am the idiot that sent my kid to school in a nun costume last week. Last week she had all of her teeth. Now she looks like the patron Saint of people on the TV show COPS!!
Sam was going to come home tonight for dinner and spend the night. She still has to go to soccer practice even though she has a bum knee. She said she still is part of the team so she is expected to sit on the sidelines and shiver to show support for the team. After practice her car wouldn't go forward. She has a transmission fluid leak so she has problems with her car allot. The car is only 3 years younger than she is and it is most likely not going to end up in any Dairy Queen antique car show anytime soon. She didn't feel that her driving skills were good enough to make the 40 mile trip home in reverse so she stayed at her apartment. Dinner was good, sorry we missed you Sam!! Maggie ate corn and a roll, Ryan didn't eat, Erin was too full from lunch and the dog almost got the whole roast before I had a chance to slice it. Luckily I have quick reflexes!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Kelsey spent the night at a friends house so Maggie had to clean their room today all by herself. I will go upstairs with a broom tomorrow and get all the stuff out from under the bed. For right now it looks great. We got all of our Halloween decorations up tonight. They look pretty cool, Dave made a big spider web out of rope. Maggie was putting the pressure on to get the Halloween decoration out. That is important stuff to a six year old!!!
I cleaned my house all afternoon. The girls had about 6 empty bottles of shampoo sitting on the ledge of their bathtub. I guess you never know when an empty bottle could be useful. Erin and Shannon were home this afternoon so I actually had some helpers. The music they chose to blare through the house while they cleaned was not something that I would have selected but at least they were helping. I don't think they would have been quite as motivated if I would have cranked up the old Rick Springfield greatest hits CD.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Maggie had a party to go to tonight. I wasn't exactly sure what time the party started nor who I should RSVP to or even what the phone number was. Luckily the little girl having the party has an older sister in Kelsey's class. She mentioned to Kelsey in class on Thursday that Maggie is the only kid in the class who hasn't rsvp'd. I was in the process of piecing the mystery of the smeared invitation together with Kelsey's CSI kit that she got for Christmas last year. When I took the smeared invitation off of the refrigerator to try and figure it out, I found another invitation behind it. Ryan has a party at an ice rink on Sunday. I guess that means I am going to spend the next two weeks explaining why he can no longer play ice hockey. Shannon is at a party tonight and wants to know how late she can stay, the invitation said the party ended at 10ish. I think that means 10:05, she thinks it means Midnight! Kelsey is at a trivia night with a few friends and Erin is at a friends house in our old neighborhood working on her Halloween costume. When my kids were babies I remember thinking how I would probably wait up all night for them to come home when they are teenagers. Now that reality has set in I think, whatever you do don't wake me up unless you are on fire or bleeding. Wake up your father!!
I bought a new vacuum tonight. The other one we have has been used as a barricade on it's side to help keep the dog in his crate. I picked up some carpet stain remover while I was at the store. Lauren mentioned that our carpet was starting to look like the carpet at our old house. Maybe we should be like gypsies and move every couple of years. We could start fresh with new carpet and a new school where no one knows who we are and that I pack m&m's for lunch and send my kids to school dressed as a nuns. Dave invited his study group over Sunday. Now I have to get all the stains out of the carpet and clean all my toilets to look like a mom that has it all together. It is so hard keeping up this charade!!!
Oh yeah I almost forgot, the tooth fairy bolted out of bed at 6:20 am in a state of panic. Of course she failed again miserably. Falling into bed completely exhausted her little angel's tooth slipped her mind. She woke up Dave and asked him if he had any money. Luckily daddy pulled through and took care of the tooth fairy duties. He never did find her tooth but he did manage to put the cash under the pillow.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ryan is doing a reading at church tomorrow at the all school mass. At least I think it is tomorrow (could it be next week?). I decided to break down and cut his hair tonight, he was beginning to look like one of his sisters. I sent him to school today in his Eddie Munster shoes, he couldn't find either pair of his school shoes so as a last resort, we cleaned all the spider webs and eggs out of the shoes that he left on the patio for two weeks. I sent him upstairs to put his belt on that he forgot AGAIN!!!! He came down with it on and I asked if he managed to hit all the loops?? He responded proudly "I sure did." Luckily Shannon noticed before he got to school that he looped it through his back pack straps as well as his belt loops. That's one way to get him to remember his backpack. I'm considering just embroidering kick me on the back of his school shirts instead of messing with the sign!!
Maggie lost one of her front teeth tonight. A large piece of her gum is still hanging down where her tooth was. It is extremely attractive. She is going to be Scarlett O'Hara (or as she says, Scarlett O Hairy) for Halloween, we may have to alter the costume a little to be a red neck Scarlett O'Hara. I have another chance at the tooth fairy tonight. She was off duty on Labor day for the holiday.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I actually had a fairly normal evening tonight, thanks to rain. Erin's and Ryan's practices were canceled so all I had to do is pick up Shannon at cheer leading practice. I was actually able to work on homework and enjoy my family aka play referee to Shannon and Kelsey and Ryan and Maggie. Sam and Lauren still aren't speaking over the green blouse so I didn't have to play referee with them and Erin/Sybil is a different kid ever 15 minutes so I don't even try to jump on that train wreck. Dave went to the grocery store tonight. I think I might have Ryan bring his teacher an apple tomorrow!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Even though I hate driving that is where I get some of the best information out of my kids. For instance: Ryan told me there is a kid on his soccer team who's tongue was so long he could pick his nose with it if he wanted. He thought that was pretty cool. Not to be outdone Ryan boasted that he is able to pick his nose with his toes. He is still unable to tie his shoes correctly but picking his nose with his feet is a cinch. I think I should ask at school if they have any openings in the gifted program!!
I talked to Lauren today and asked her if she called her sister to see how her knee was? She said "No I am not talking to her because I asked her last week if I could borrow her green long sleeved shirt since I haven't had time to come home for my fall clothes." Sam told her no because she hasn't worn it yet. There is a proper clothes borrowing code of conduct that mustn't be broken. If you have something new, no one can borrow it until the rightful owner wears it first. Lauren felt that since she didn't have any fall clothes that she found a loophole in the rule. Not so much!!! I am so sad that I didn't get to witness this little cat fight, I sure miss my girls when they are away at school.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I wonder if Lauren's chemistry teacher showed up to class drunk again?? Lauren was more concerned with the fact that her skin was so dry instead of her being drunk. She said"her skin is flaking everywhere, hasn't she ever heard of lotion?" I'm thinking if she is downing a fifth of scotch before class, hydrating her skin is not top priority.
Sam made it back to St. Louis, she got hurt at her game in Boston, she collided with another player and hurt her knee. She said she is able to walk on it but is having a hard time straightening it. She tried to shave her legs today and she said it hurt. I hope she was able to apply lotion when she was done, otherwise her sister would be shamed by the family!!
It would be nice if one of my college kids would change their major to psychology. It would save me a ton of money if Maggie could just call one of her sisters the next time her mom humiliates her in front of the whole student body.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
I cooked dinner tonight, something I haven't done in ages. Ryan ate Fruity Pebbles instead. I didn't have crackers as one of the courses so he passed on dinner. Maggie and Shannon argued all through dinner, the argument ended when Maggie took off her sock and threw it at Shannon, it landed on her plate. She couldn't aim that well again if she had another ten tries. My kids forgot how to eat when their meal doesn't come from a paper bag or a concession stand.
I am going in to work a little late tomorrow so I can see St Margaret Mary at the prayer service. I hope her costume doesn't unravel as she processes in to school. I may bring the bathrobe and black slip with me so I have a back up!!
I went to half of Maggie's soccer game and then headed out to Kelsey's game yesterday. On the way home we had to stop at Hobby Lobby to pick up more fabric. This costume is reaching the $50 mark. Maggie went with Erin to babysit for a friend of hers. I didn't have her to try things on while I was making it. I improvised and used her 13 year old sister. Amazingly enough the costume is actually the perfect size for Shannon. I can't imagine where I could have gone wrong. Umm, maybe taking on this project. Why didn't I just put Ryan's bath robe on her with a black slip on her head. Maybe she will grow 10 inches tonight. I thought I had until the 22nd but once again I screwed up on the date. She has to be wearing her costume Monday morning when she arrives at school by 7:45. Yikes!! I wonder if it is possible for her to grow 10 inches and gain 30lbs that fast. I wonder if I sent Shannon instead if her teacher would notice!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
I went to 3 different sporting goods stores tonight looking for soccer spikes for Ryan. Dave bought him some on Wednesday but they were too big. As I was driving to my third store I realized it would have probably been easier to go back to the place where he lost it and crawl around on my hands and knees until I found it. I finally found a pair in his size and picked out a new pair of shin guards. I watched a show on Oprah today on transsexuals and started feeling a little guilty about making my son wear pink shin guards. I have visions of him twenty years from now sitting on Oprah's stage with his wife and kids wearing a dress with more cleavage than his wife. He had one of his friends from school spend the night tonight. Erin came down stairs after she got out of the shower wearing a bra and soccer shorts. I have a feeling Ryan's friends are going to enjoy spending a lot of time at the Murphy house for years to come. I explained to Erin that modesty is actually a good thing especially when we have 9 year old boys staying over. Luckily this kid also has three older sisters so I don't need to call his mother and apologize.
Lauren called yesterday and told me that her chemistry teacher showed up for class drunk again. Some of the students have complained to the department chair and he assured them he would keep a close eye on her. Of course he wasn't on campus to witness it yesterday. Lauren said the class meets at 1:00 in the afternoon. If anyone should be drunk in the early afternoon, it should be me.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I put about 40 soccer miles on the van tonight, it was a light day. We had a confirmation meeting at church for Shannon. Our priest was talking about different rituals in different cultures. One was where when a boy reaches a certain age they take them deep into the woods and tie them to a tree and leave them there all night. In the morning the boy sees that his father was actually there all night watching over him in silence. I believe there was a spiritual message that he was trying to give but I couldn't help but think I sure wish I could tie Ryan to a tree. Later in the homily he had us close our eyes and try to imagine our children back in their infancy and how it felt to hold them close. I wonder if I was the only one in church who was remembering a little baby with fire engine red hair with a temper to match. Shannon screamed 12 hours a day for the first three months of her life. I shared my thoughts with Dave as we were leaving the meeting. He laughed and said "I don't remember ever holding Shannon."
Dave is on his way to pick up the Erin and Shannon from where there car pools for soccer drop them off. Erin called and said "Will you call dad and tell him not to be so crabby, before I get in the car." He was mad at her for not calling sooner for him to pick her up. She is supposed to call when she is 15 minutes away from the meeting place. I laughed and explained to her that she was on her own. Ten minutes later she called to ask if I had an insurance card in the van. She said " Dad got pulled over because we are missing our front license plate." The license plate got ripped off our bumper by a big tire tread on the highway on the way back from Florida three years ago. Dave has been planning on replacing it but he figured he would wait until the other one falls off. I think I may pretend to be asleep when all my little rays of sunshine arrive home.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
We went to high school night . That is where different Catholic high schools in the area put on 30 minute presentations to tell you about their school. The first one we visited was Incarnate Word, that is where Erin goes and Sam and Lauren graduated from. I think I could have actually given the presentation since we are on our 7th year there. They gave everyone who came a free t-shirt. Hey, didn't I finance those with my last seven years of tuition. Shannon was still on the fence between two schools. I overheard Erin say as we are leaving "I can't believe she is even considering going to that stupid school." I wonder if the 400 students that go there realize that it is a stupid school I may try and get a buzz book so Erin can call everyone to let them know. Because everyone knows her school is far more superior to Shannon's other choice of school.
Today a boy asked Kelsey out. He told her, her freckles were beautiful and her eyes were the color of the bluest sea. What has he been reading?? She turned him down. She used to like him but not anymore. You snooze you lose. She said, he should have asked earlier!!
Grandma told Ryan tonight that she wanted him to be in charge of the trash each week. He normally carries the trash cans back, he learned the hard way this summer that it is better to drag the cans back after the trash man comes. The week he returned full trash cans back to the garage it reached 98 degrees. Our whole house smelled like the county dump. She said his new job was to go around and empty the little trashcans on trash day. He said "no way grandma, I am not touching the girls bathroom trashcan that is full of, Oh God, don't make me say it." I think grandma may need to find a new special helper for that job!!
Lauren had a luncheon to go to at the Ritz (an expensive hotel) put on by her college for all scholarship recipients. She sent me a text message while I was at work that I needed to work a little harder that she thinks she wants to have her wedding reception there when she gets married. She sent the same message to her father. Her father is still trying to figure out what a text message is!! We have already told her we have 6 bright shiny ladders picked out for each of them to elope with. If she is the first to get married she gets first pick. I am pretty crafty, I can hot glue all kinds of fancy stuff to her ladder!!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
She said they were going to see the play Little Riding Hood. She said "you know her mom, she is the girl that knocks on Shrek's door in Shrek the movie." Am I really that old to where Little Red Riding Hood is now just a character with a cameo in Shrek.
We got to school and the other first graders also had on their uniforms, whew, I dodged that bullet. The kids got out of the van and walked towards their buildings. I noticed Ryan had a bad case of bed head. I didn't even notice before we left the house. Had I cut his hair last night like he asked he wouldn't be a big target for a kick me sign today, due to his smashing hairdo.
Ryan has soccer practice tomorrow at 5:00. I either have to go to soccer master on my lunch hour at work to buy him new spikes or he has to hop around at practice. I think I should let him hop, he might learn a lesson. Never mind, it's Ryan, he would think that was cool. He told me he had to write a poem today at school. His was "If you are hungry for a deer, shoot one in the rear." He said he changed it on his paper to "ear" so he wouldn't get in trouble. In the end he had to write a new poem, his teacher wouldn't allow a poem about shooting. I though it was kind of catchy!! If your hungry for a deer, shoot one in the rear. That could be a little jingle for deer hunters everywhere.
Tonight was typical with me putting 70 more soccer miles on the van. After I picked Erin up I ran through McDonalds drive thru to get a large iced tea. I needed some fuel to keep me going tonight to finish my ethics paper. Shannon needed to be picked up soon so I decided to stay put until she called. Erin found a dollar and some change in my purse and went inside to get a hamburger. She came out and said, "did you know these gold coins aren't dollars?? They are batting cage tokens." Luckily she had enough money without her fun money, she saved herself the embarrassment of trying to pay for a burger with tokens. Maybe I will send her to the grocery store tomorrow with Monopoly money.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Ryan asked me if I could cut his hair tonight. I asked him if he really wanted to be that close to me with scissors in my hand on the night I threatened to amputate his right foot? He passed on the haircut.
The Margaret Mary costume is still cut out and ready for me. Tomorrow is another day!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Today was unbelievably hot for October. We had 7 games today from 12:00 until 7:00. Dave and I brought the kids to 10:00 mass and then headed in different directions to different soccer fields. By the time I got to Maggie's 2:30 game I was beginning to melt. She was starving and I told her I would take her to get something to eat after the game. Forty minutes into her game I felt like I was going to pass out. I was so hot and all I had had to eat so far was a communion wafer. I came up with an idea for future games. I could buy a whistle and hide behind a bush and blow it 4 times to signal the end of the game. (It could work!!!!)
The game finally ended and we headed to McDonald's. I walked in with some very attractive sweat marks under my arms and all down the front of my shirt. It was a very relaxing lunch, we had twelve minutes to eat before we had to get home and change uniforms for her next game. (Doesn't every six year old play on two teams?) We were able to eat in about 6 minutes, the flies circling my food really sped up the process.
The kids are off of school tomorrow. Ryan is spending the night at his friends house tonight. He went to their parish picnic with them . When I called to check on him, his friends dad said "Ryan lost his shoes at the picnic." (Oh how shocking!!!) It was dark so they couldn't find them, they are going to run up there tomorrow and look for them then. God made that boy cute for a reason!!!!
The Margaret Mary costume is cut out!!! I'm getting there, I have until the 22ND. I will most likely be scrambling on the 21st to find a costume shop open at midnight with a nun costume!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
So I am not the best videographer
I hope you don't get a stiff neck watching this!!
Shannon has turned Maggie into a high school musical junkie. I obviously haven't learned which way to hold my camera when I take movies. We listen to the CD every morning on the way to school. Shannon claims it puts her in a good mood before school. I sure wish we had this CD back when she was in First grade. I used to have to pry her off the heat vent every morning and threaten her within an inch of her little life just to get her dressed in the morning. Thank you Zack Efron for helping my stubborn red head get moving in the morning!!
The fabric for the Margaret Mary Alacoe costume is still in the bag. St. Sponge Bob is looking better and better with every passing day.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Kelsey came home from camp today. She seems to have had a good time. She was pretty quiet because she was so tired. She told me she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night one night and the cabin was dark. She missed the ladder and hit the floor. She didn't have any stairs to fall down like she does at home so she settled for falling out of bed.
I picked up the fabric today for Maggie's St Margaret Mary costume for All Saints day at school. I am not much of a seamstress. I gave Erin a sewing machine two years ago for Christmas. She is really creative and I thought she would really enjoy playing with it. Christmas morning she made Shannon a mini skirt made out of fleece. She named it "attacked by a cheetah." It really did look like something "attacked by a cheetah." It was rather disturbing. I thought about having Erin help me with the costume but I don't see St Margaret Mary in a fleece miniskirt with holes in it. Then I had another great idea. What if I used a costume I already had here at home. I searched through our dress up clothes and came up with a great idea. I could send her to school in our sponge bob costume. Wasn't he the patron saint of square pants? It could work, her teacher is young, maybe she will believe me.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I checked Kelsey's bag that she packed last night and took everything out to label it with a sharpie. I asked her if she packed underwear that fit or did she grab Maggie's. She has a bad habit of wearing her six year old sisters underwear that are about four sizes too small instead of getting hers out of the laundry room. I started pulling them out of the bag and was horrified at what she packed. She had two pair of 4 toddler underwear and one pair that the dog had eaten the crotch out of. I said "great. Kels, crotchless panties for camp, where did you put your go go boots?" She laughed and said she didn't notice them when she packed.
It was my turn to drive to Erin's practice tonight. I worked on homework for a while in the van until it got to dark. Then I went outside so I could be dinner for all the mosquito's in St. Louis County. I am glad someone got dinner tonight!!
I got home and Maggie said there was some excitement in the neighborhood. Someone was tied up, had a baseball bat, was robbed, almost ran over someone, and the husband and wife were screaming at each other, she should have thrown in a rape and a murder while she was at it. I called a neighbor to get the real story. I think a teenager was driving too fast and almost hit a little boy. The little boys father detained the girl until the police came. Maggie's story was much more exciting. It kind of makes me nervous to go to parent teacher conferences this year. I wonder if her teacher knows that Dave ties me up and chases me down the street with baseball bats.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
I can't find my tackle box full of art supplies, I think I may have left it behind in Indiana. Fabulous!!! Today was one of those days that started out in the trash can and by mid day I was wishing I was back at home digging through the trash.
Kelsey's practice was cancelled due to the extra games last weekend. I got Maggie ready and off to practice on time for a change. I was the first one there! I soon realized we were the only ones there, they have changed Tuesday practices to every other Tuesday. It's a good thing I wasted the two things I have an abundance of, gas for my car and time. My tank is always full and I am so bored all the time, I am just looking for a reason to hop in the car and find something to do with my time!! When I left for Maggie's practice I asked Kelsey to unload the dishwasher and pack for camp.
Kelsey is leaving at 6:30 am tomorrow for 6th grade camp. When I got back from my wild goose chase Kelsey was sound asleep on the couch. I had 10 minutes before I had to get Shannon to practice. By the time I got back from that it was 7:30, I woke Kelsey up and told her to start packing. Of course we lost the list so we had to call 3 people to get the camp list. In the mean time I put Dave in charge of Maggie's homework tonight. Within 4 minutes, Maggie had a meltdown and started crying. Daddy isn't as patient as mommy. I fired Dave as tutor and told Maggie to go put her pj,s on ,wash her face and settle down. Dave left to pick up Erin and Shannon from practice and to pick up last minute things for Kelsey for camp. I was going to unload the dishwasher that I asked Kelsey to do 3 hours ago and when I was finished I told Maggie I would help her. We got through our homework, flashcards and spelling words and she headed up to bed.
I went downstairs to do some research for my presentation next week for my ethics class. Erin called and said "Why aren't you answering your cell phone?" I told her that her father was picking her up that she could call him. She said "he already picked me up but he is really crabby , I am just wondering why we are at Wal Mart?" Umm, Why not ask the person who took you to Wal Mart. I explained that "daddy has homework issues," and that he was getting Kelsey's stuff for camp. I wonder if they need any more chaperone's for 6th grade camp. I could have Dave packed and ready in five minutes.
Monday, October 1, 2007
After work I decided to try and take a quick cat nap. As soon as I dozed off, Kelsey came in and asked me how she was getting to soccer practice?? I am sure the house was either on fire or someone was bleeding because she knows better than to wake me up for any other reason. I told her I was taking her but maybe it would be better to wake me up 10 minutes before we had to leave, not an hour before. Shannon was looking for the cordless phone and hit the page button, unfortunately for me, it was on Dave's dresser so I got to listen to it beep until she found it. Shortly after that, Dave came home, Ryan came in looking for Dave (he forgot the house is on fire or someone is bleeding rule too), Ryan let the dog in my room when he was looking for Dave. The dog climbed up in bed with me and promptly started gnawing on his leg. I decided this would be the point where I ended my refreshing 8 minute nap.
Dave is going on the next soccer trip. I played DJ for Shannon for six hours on the way there and the way home. I now know the difference in Zack Effron's voice in the high school musical movies. Shannon insisted we take the van on the trip so she could watch movies. On the way down her and Kelsey got in an argument because Kelsey wouldn't put a movie in because she was closer to the DVD player. They never did put one in, Shannon felt the 3 steps toward the back of the van was just too much work!!!
I need to give a shout out to my friend Mark, he wants to get mentioned in the blog. There you go Mark . Your a stud!! I had a visitor on my blog from Brazil yesterday, pretty cool!! Now everyone in Brazil will know Mark is a stud too. Sorry I didn't post last night when I got home, I was way to tired. Dave was on the computer when I got home and I didn't feel like waiting until he was finished. I put his laptop on his front seat this morning. He got the message and is dropping it off today to get fixed. He even put a new light bulb in Erin's bathroom. Maggie came in my bathroom this morning and said "Did you hear about what daddy did?" I said "no what did Daddy do?" She replied proudly 'He put my hair in a ponytail while you were gone." I sure wish I had a picture of that ponytail. Our oldest daughter will be 21 in three weeks and he finally learned how to do a ponytail. Maybe in our next quarter of a century together I will introduce him to the dishwasher and the stove. No, maybe not, Baby Steps!!!!