Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I am actually wearing this crazy get up tomorrow to work. I am pretty proud of the gloves, I bought those 99 cent stretch gloves, cut off the fingers and hot glued aluminum foil to the tips. Pretty ingenious if I do say so myself. Dave is out of town for work, he comes home tomorrow to a biker babe. Lucky him!!

The kids are still on fall break, they are already bored. I got home from my classes today at 2:30, Maggie was still in her pajama's and once again there were candy wrappers all over the floor. What makes my children think that it is a good idea to eat candy all day and just throw the wrappers on the floor? Did they think I wouldn't notice??

The tooth fairy remembered last night to come. Yeah!! We went out to dinner tonight, I asked Maggie if she got her money from the tooth fairy? She said, "no, I don't even know where my tooth went?" I told her that daddy put it under her pillow when he carried her off to bed. She fell asleep on the couch. We actually remembered the tooth fairy for once and she forgot to check under her pillow. I give up!!!

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