Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Last night I stayed up until after 1:00 a.m. working on my paper for my ethics presentation. Needless to say I was tired and crabby this morning. Maggie was going on a field trip and I wasn't sure if she was supposed to wear her uniform or not. I hate that, I always feel like the worst mom in the world if my kid forgets dress out day or her snack or her show and tell day or her St Margaret Mary costume.

She said they were going to see the play Little Riding Hood. She said "you know her mom, she is the girl that knocks on Shrek's door in Shrek the movie." Am I really that old to where Little Red Riding Hood is now just a character with a cameo in Shrek.

We got to school and the other first graders also had on their uniforms, whew, I dodged that bullet. The kids got out of the van and walked towards their buildings. I noticed Ryan had a bad case of bed head. I didn't even notice before we left the house. Had I cut his hair last night like he asked he wouldn't be a big target for a kick me sign today, due to his smashing hairdo.

Ryan has soccer practice tomorrow at 5:00. I either have to go to soccer master on my lunch hour at work to buy him new spikes or he has to hop around at practice. I think I should let him hop, he might learn a lesson. Never mind, it's Ryan, he would think that was cool. He told me he had to write a poem today at school. His was "If you are hungry for a deer, shoot one in the rear." He said he changed it on his paper to "ear" so he wouldn't get in trouble. In the end he had to write a new poem, his teacher wouldn't allow a poem about shooting. I though it was kind of catchy!! If your hungry for a deer, shoot one in the rear. That could be a little jingle for deer hunters everywhere.

Tonight was typical with me putting 70 more soccer miles on the van. After I picked Erin up I ran through McDonalds drive thru to get a large iced tea. I needed some fuel to keep me going tonight to finish my ethics paper. Shannon needed to be picked up soon so I decided to stay put until she called. Erin found a dollar and some change in my purse and went inside to get a hamburger. She came out and said, "did you know these gold coins aren't dollars?? They are batting cage tokens." Luckily she had enough money without her fun money, she saved herself the embarrassment of trying to pay for a burger with tokens. Maybe I will send her to the grocery store tomorrow with Monopoly money.

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