Big families are never easy, but always fun. A sense of humor is a requirement while raising seven kids especially if 6 of them are girls.
My Blog List
5 years. It has been 5 years.8 years ago
Friday, February 27, 2009
I spent half my morning trying to talk Maggie out of bringing my wedding album to school today for show and tell. She always wants to bring something "cool." I didn't feel the need to explain to the whole second grade class why Maggie's older sisters are actually in the wedding album. Thanks to my wonderful negotiating skills we went with the "rock" that she gave me from her camping trip this summer.
I spent two hours in Urgent Care last night waiting on sports physicals for Erin and Shannon. Erin needed hers by Monday so she can try out for soccer, Shannon needs hers in a few weeks for cheer leading. Last year we went on Sunday to get the physical, this year we are way more prepared. Had we actually planned ahead like normal people we could have went to her pediatrician and payed the 15 copay vs 35. Of course they all need new spikes to start soccer season. Kelsey's are held together by tape, Ryan's are two sizes too small and they don't make tape strong enough to hold Erin's together. Shannon has decided to hang up her soccer cleats in exchange for cheer leading. She exchanged one ridiculously expensive sport for one that costs even more. Fabulous!! Erin called me this morning and asked me the name of our insurance company. I said "Oh God, did you wreck the car again?" She said "No mom, our health insurance, you never filled that out on my health form for soccer." Whew!!!She scared me for a second!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I had Lauren take me to go watch Shannon cheer for districts in basketball. Sam had an intramural basketball game at 9:30 and I was meeting Dave there. I didn't want to have two cars. He was coming from Chesterfield with Kelsey. I had Lauren drop us off at Sam's college after Shannon was done cheering. It was quite the difference between the high school basketball and Sam's team. The name of Sam's team is the Sam-O show. She is so unique on the court that she had a whole team name after her. I'm thinking it's not because of her skills. The t-shirts even have a screen print picture of Sam on the front. When she was in grade school we used to play at a gym that had it's concession stand behind the basket, up a small flight of stairs on the stage. The problem was that my darling daughter has many qualities and a soft touch isn't one of them. She used to over shoot the basket and all the spectators sitting on stage would have their nachos and soda's flying. Watching the Sam-O show brought back memories of the flying nachos. She was upset that they lost, she never was a very good loser. We had to run by WalMart on our way home. Shannon needed blue poster board for school. My "flat" butt finally got home at 11:00. I am much too old to be be out past 9:00 but the Sam-O show was worth it.
Erin gave up going to Quick Trip for anything other than gas purchases for lent. Shannon is a little upset about this considering she usually gets a free QT donut every morning from her big sister. Shannon hasn't decided what she is going to give up yet. She said she was thinking about just trying to be nice but she thinks that might be too hard.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Lauren's car is finally fixed, we picked it up this afternoon. We have an appointment on Tuesday to get the jeep fixed. I have a feeling we will become great friends with the employees at the body shop. Shannon will be getting her permit soon. That is if she ever decides to open the book and study. Dave tracked her down at Pizza Street when she was having lunch with her friends for her birthday. He went to the license bureau and picked up a drivers manual book for her to study. She just hasn't been able to find a spare moment since November to actually open the book. Come to think of it, I don't think she has found a spare moment to open any of her school books either.
Dave has put out a Murphy email challenging everyone to try and beat "the old man" in the St. Patricks Day Parade Run. I have a feeling "the old man" will have quite the bruised ego when the run is finished. Sam will be so determined to beat all of her siblings, she will probably place first overall. She is the same kid that would maul anyone who got in her way, just so she could be first out of the van and in the house. It didn't matter if you were big or little or if you could walk or talk, she was going to knock you down if she had to. It is of utmost importance to be first. She was Valedictorian after all!!!
Ryan lost his winter coat sometime over Christmas break. We had been so many places it was hard to remember where he could have left it. He does this every year. He gets hot while he is playing, takes it off and forgets that he has it with him. He has been wearing one of his hoodies to school since he doesn't have a coat. We don't have any hand me downs that aren't girly so he has been just fine with his hoodie. Normally it's fine but there have been quite a few bitter cold days in Jan and Feb. Luckily on those days school has inside recess. I was on the phone with my sister this weekend and I walked in Ryan's room looking for Maggie's shorts to her soccer uniform that always disappear and what did I find hanging up in Ryan's closet but his missing winter coat. I could have died. My sister started laughing, she said "I hung it up when I cleaned his room for you at Christmas." The party we had when I was "taking one for the team." and throwing up, she helped me out by cleaning for me. My kid has went to school looking like an orphan for months and his coat was right where it was supposed to be the whole time. Fabulous!
I overslept two days this week and the kids had fifteen minutes both mornings to get ready for school. Poor Ryan my patience with his little, helpless self is normally pretty thin but try to cram in an hours worth of berating in fifteen minutes, that is quite a feat. Don't worry I'm a professional, I managed somehow. I think my wonderful maternal words of wisdom for the day were, Ryan you are lucky I'm not a violent person because I would love to hit you right now. The following morning I informed all my offspring, no one would be going to bed without picking up all of their mess from the night before. I was tired of waking up (late) to a messy house. The new rule would be strictly enforced starting today. Kelsey informed me that Ryan announced to the whole carpool that his mom said that she wanted to hit him. Ryan said "I did not, I only told Jason." Kelsey said, "Do you think no one else heard it." Well on the bright side if DFS shows up on my doorstep, thanks to the new rule the house will be clean.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Dave came in to the living room and said "Call your oldest daughter and ask her who's autograph she is waiting in line to get?" I called and asked and she laughed and said, "Oh, I got out of line, I decided I really didn't want his autograph." UMMM Who???? She said "Ron Jeremy the porn star" Her college had a debate with a porn star and a minister and she went because she thought it would be interesting. She said the minister came off as intelligent and the porn star sounded like an idiot. Wow, that's a shock. I asked her why her college would even host such a debate, is it really a big question as to whether or not porn is bad??? She said it was in honor of Valentines Day. Oh why didn't I think of that, Saint Valentine/ Porn,what a connection. What is this world coming to????
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Ryan decide that he was going to try and beat the pogo stick world record this weekend. Apparently the world record is 24 hours. He gave it great Murphy effort and made it 53 minutes. He tried to take a drink of water while jumping and fell after a valiant effort. When he came inside he was dripping with sweat and the inside of his knobby little knees were rubbed raw. I told him to go take a bath to clean his pogo stick injury. He decided he was going to search the Internet to find a different world record to beat that doesn't involve a Pogo Stick. Dave and I had two parties to go to on Saturday, three of his grade school friends were having a 40th birthday party and one of our good friends also had a 50th birthday party. I went to the 50th party and he went to the 40th. He told me he would meet up with me later if he left the party early. I didn't expect to see him, I figured we would meet up later at home. He had tried to call me several times to find out where the party was. I had left my phone in the car. He said he drove around to three different bars in Florissant looking for a white jeep with a smashed in front end. Third times a charm. He got there around midnight, my heart pitter pattered when he walked in. It is nice that after twenty years together, he's still got it. I sure hope he doesn't read my blog today.
Ryan came in our room this morning whining about the pain in his legs. His little attempt at stardom ruined him for life. He couldn't even walk without shuffling his feet. He practically crawled across the floor and climbed in bed with us. He said "I can't go to church, I can't move." I assured him, he would be fine. We usually go in through the church basement and take the stairs up to the church. The parking lot is at the bottom of a pretty steep hill. Ryan asked if he could take the elevator, I said "knock yourself out." A few minutes later he got in our pew giggling. He had Kelsey and Maggie with him. They tried to take the elevator but couldn't figure out what floor they were on. The elevator door opened and closed several times but the elevator never moved. I explained that if they hit floor number 1 and nothing happened, number two may have been a good choice. It seemed a little to complicated so they took the stairs instead. Today was anointing of the sick, instead of Dave crawling up the alter like I pictured last week, his pogo stick boy wonder wanted to crawl up there instead.
Lauren gets home from New York tonight, she had a really good time and made lots of good memories. She even had her two seconds of fame outside the window of the Today show. Sam is going on a fun trip for spring break. Me I'll just stick around here and watch my son try to break world records. What more could a girl ask for.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The body shop called me today and gave me an estimate for Dave's car, it will be a little over 2,000 and Lauren's car is a little over 9,000. Thank God for insurance. Those Murphy girls are expensive. I had Erin take me to the shop to pick up Dave's car, we are going to wait to get it fixed until we get our tax refund. We have a $500 deductible. I thought Erin would kill me on the way there, it's amazing that she doesn't get in more accidents. She almost caused 12 on the quarter mile drive to the body shop.
Ryan got his contacts in this morning like a champ. Dave left this morning to go out of town. I was ready to kill him this morning when I went to brush my teeth and my toothpaste was missing. At least he doesn't take my make up and hair products like Erin and Lauren . That would be a whole new set of Murphy dysfunction if he did. Lauren called me at work to tell me she was taking my silk infusion (hair stuff) with her to New York because she was out. I told her that I needed it and she couldn't have it. She said "I already have it in a plastic bag." I said, "then take it out of the plastic bag." Why would I need beauty products, I'm old? Erin asked if she could sleep with me tonight and then she remembered that I snore and said Oh no, never mind. Like I want to get woken up at 2:30 am by a raging lunatic anyway.
Monday, February 2, 2009
I took Ryan to the eye doctor tonight. Why can't my kids have good vision and straight teeth. So far Erin is the only one who hasn't needed glasses or braces. I guess God decided since he gave her so many lovely endearing personalities that he would help her see and give her a beautiful smile. I will remember to thank him for that in my prayers tonight, or maybe I will beg him to give her one pleasant personality and a snaggle tooth instead. I was afraid Ryan would have trouble putting contacts in but he did great. They had him put them in and take them out three times. When we got home he took one out and put it back in to show Maggie. Of course this along with everything else in the Murphy house became a competition between, Ryan, Kelsey and Shannon (mainly Kelsey) as to who learned how to put contacts in and take them out the fastest. Oh I sure wish our big screen tv wasn't broken so they could be couch potatoes instead of picking fights with each other. We have other TV's but they prefer to hang out in the kitchen and terrorize me.
Lauren leaves for New York on Wednesday. Mike surprised her with a new digital camera for her trip. She told him she loved him for thinking of her but didn't want him spending so much money. She said "I'll just use your camera and we can take this one back to save money." I said "Oh Lauren, you should have kept the camera.." When Dave and I were young he got me a beautiful pair of pear shaped diamond earrings to match my wedding ring. They were absolutely beautiful. I made him return them because I didn't want him to spend so much money. Saturday I had to borrow a pair of fake diamond earrings from my seven year old to wear to a black tie event. The earrings came on a piece of cardboard with 11 other pair of high quality earrings for $6.00. My ears are still itchy from wearing them. I sure wish I had those beautiful pear shaped earrings from 15 years ago. Lauren will think of this story someday when all she can afford is a Walgreen's disposable camera. Mom always knows best!! She has to be at the airport on Wednesday at 4:00 AM. I told Dave that sounds like a dad job to me. He reminded me that he is going out of town on business tomorrow so it looks like it is a mom job. I thought about it for a while and decided after 22 hours of labor with her, I deserve to sleep in. That sounds like a boyfriend's job. Sorry Mike, I like my sleep, she's all yours.