Friday, February 27, 2009

Ryan came from school all excited yesterday. He said, "Guess what I did at school today?" I said, "You got a 100 on your social studies test?" He said, "No", "You won the spelling bee?" "NO" "UMM you got a home run in kick ball?" He said "no mom, even better, I fit a mitten over my head at recess!!!" Oh why didn't I guess that??? His endless talent never ceases to amaze me. I am so unbelievably proud!!

I spent half my morning trying to talk Maggie out of bringing my wedding album to school today for show and tell. She always wants to bring something "cool." I didn't feel the need to explain to the whole second grade class why Maggie's older sisters are actually in the wedding album. Thanks to my wonderful negotiating skills we went with the "rock" that she gave me from her camping trip this summer.

I spent two hours in Urgent Care last night waiting on sports physicals for Erin and Shannon. Erin needed hers by Monday so she can try out for soccer, Shannon needs hers in a few weeks for cheer leading. Last year we went on Sunday to get the physical, this year we are way more prepared. Had we actually planned ahead like normal people we could have went to her pediatrician and payed the 15 copay vs 35. Of course they all need new spikes to start soccer season. Kelsey's are held together by tape, Ryan's are two sizes too small and they don't make tape strong enough to hold Erin's together. Shannon has decided to hang up her soccer cleats in exchange for cheer leading. She exchanged one ridiculously expensive sport for one that costs even more. Fabulous!! Erin called me this morning and asked me the name of our insurance company. I said "Oh God, did you wreck the car again?" She said "No mom, our health insurance, you never filled that out on my health form for soccer." Whew!!!She scared me for a second!!!

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