Friday, April 17, 2009

We got bad news this week so I haven't felt much like being funny. Erin has to have some surgery due to some long term complications she has as a result of several surgeries that she had as a toddler. Life doesn't slow down even when you are sad. We still have a million soccer practices, baseball games and spelling tests to study for, so keeping busy is not a problem. Ryan had an 8:00 baseball game last night. I got there late and saw his batting glove in the car. I brought it over to him in the dug out feeling like the hero for bringing him the batting glove that he forgot. He said "Thanks mom, dad's golf glove will be very helpful in my game tonight." I tried, at least I finally figured out that his cup goes small side of the triangle down. Who Knew??? Maggie has a 7:30 AM game in Collinsville tomorrow morning, that is most definitely a dad job. When he learns how to give birth he can sleep in and I will be happy to take the early games. Ryan has a game, Sam has a game and Erin is in a tournament. I'm thinking of staying in bed with the covers over my head. I was up at church earlier tonight and when I went to the bathroom, the lighting was so good that I noticed the inch and a half long blond hair that grows out the side of my nose. How in the hell does that happen, one day this long hair just appears. Getting old is so much fun. Erin had a soccer game on Wednesday, when I pulled in the parking lot I saw a sign with the date and time of the NHS induction ceremony posted. It would be nice if my daughter would have shared that information with me. Normally I get about twelve hours notice so I'm actually ahead of the game because I saw the sign. I can't wait until they have their own kids!!! Kelsey, Ryan and Maggie had the jogathon today at school. Ryan and Kelsey almost killed each other over a pair of shorts. Apparently we only have one pair of big gym shorts and Ryan had them on. They were past Ryan's knees and he felt that whomever got them on first, gets to wear them. We have several pair of smaller shorts but they are the old cotton style, not the mesh shorts that they like. He refused to wear the smaller ones so he ended up wearing school pants instead. I guess I will have to fit in gym short shopping in my weekend somehow. Anything to keep the peace. I'm sure they will find something else to fight about.

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