Thursday, October 22, 2009

"MOM, I NEED A CHECK" I sure wish I had a nickel for every time my kids woke me up in the morning to that question. If I did, I probably wouldn't mind giving them the check. Someone has a field trip, someone has a book order, someone needs graduation announcements, someone needs lunch money, someone just likes to ask for money!!! Our mornings are normally pretty crazy. Packing backpacks, packing lunches, finding missing shoes, finding a ponytail holder, (where do they go?), prying Ryan off the heat vent, etc etc. Yesterday was no exception. Shannon was cheering for a volleyball game after school and needed all her cheerleading stuff. She walked into my bathroom with her skirt and said, "does this smell like dog pee to you? I think Seamus peed on my cheerleading bag." I had to think about my answer carefully, if I said yes, I may have to wash the skirt and drive it to her school 45 minutes away. If I said no, I could be guaranteeing a reputation for my daughter as the smelly kid. No one wants that kind of reputation for their child do they?? Being the mother who is always quick on my feet I said, "Oh honey, he peed on the bag, not the skirt, it is fine. Why do you think they make Fabreeze???" Problem solved, God I'm good!!!

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