Wednesday, February 6, 2008

All is right with the world for now. Maggie can tell the difference between a nickel and a quarter!!! There is a God. We were watching TV tonight and Ryan saw a commercial for Ashley furniture where a lady want's to buy a table, Ryan looked at me and said "why don't we buy a new table, ours is always so sticky." No Ryan, a new table won't do the trick, some new kids, maybe. He has a new bad habit that drives me completely insane. Like not ever bothering to tie his shoes wasn't bad enough his new thing is to zip his new coat without making sure the zipper is locked in at the bottom. He has to climb out of his coat every day after school because his zipper is always stuck together at the neck and wide open at the bottom. I would like to apologize to his future wife right now for the damage that I have done in raising another helpless male.

Erin has a new dilema, she doesn't like the pair of silver shoes that we have at home for her to wear with her dress . She thinks that because she saved me so much money by borrowing a dress that she is entitled to a new pair of shoes. I told her the shoes that she has were fine and that they looked great with the dress. She responded with "I don't want to wear "strappy" shoes." What the hell are "strappy" shoes? What do I know, I still wear tennis shoes with jeans. Maybe I should wear the "strappy" silver shoes next time I go out.

I went shopping tonight after work and bought a few more things for my walls. Hobby Lobby was having a big sale. Oh how I love that store!! I have several more things for Dave to hang; of course I will be removing all price tags first. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Luckily he is pretty easy going when it comes to money, it helps that we never have any. I spend more then we make no matter how much we make, it is a special gift that I have!!!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. It's so nice to hear "real" life stories.

Thanks for giving me those few enlightened moments I get everyday when reading your blog!