Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Erin's knee looks 100% better today believe it or not. Thanks to Aquafor the wonder drug. If only Aquafor could do something about her crabbiness. She called me and asked me to pick her up something to eat because she was STARVING. We picked up some taco bell. She thought the taco's looked too greasy and she snubbed her nose at them. She ever so pleasantly informed me that they were gross and she wasn't going to eat them. Then in her true to form Sybil fashion she almost assaulted poor Kelsey for grabbing one of the GROSS taco's for herself. She told her to eat the one's with lettuce, she was going to bring the ones without lettuce to school tomorrow for lunch. Oh I get it, once the taco's spend a morning in your backpack at school they will become delicious. I never thought of that!!!

I usually check my email and look at the kids online grading system while I am at lunch at work. Imagine my surprise when I got to Shannon's religion grade. They have each assignment listed by name. Right there in bold print was CHASTITY ESSAY and what did my wondering eyes see??? D Umm excuse me, how did my daughter get a D on a chastity essay. Doesn't her teacher know that she is the Sr. Liz Healy scholarship recipient. I am assuming the D was based more on lack of effort than on content of the actual paper. I called Dave at work laughing and said "guess what your daughter got on her chastity essay?" He didn't think it was as funny as I did. I think he may be checking out convents as we speak.

We started our dance lessons tonight. There were a few moments at the very beginning that I had a case of the giggles. When they first went over the basic steps, Dave had the same look on his face that I had when I was trying to solve a quadratic equation. I will give him credit, he stuck with it and was a real trooper.

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