Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This picture is exactly why I never played sports. This is a picture of what is left of my daughter's knee after soccer tryouts. (the picture is sideways) She has two more days of try outs left. We went to Walgreen's tonight, I looked up and down every aisle and couldn't for the life of me find a product to put sybil back together again. We are going to bandage her up and pump her full of Advil for the remainder of tryouts. Unfortunately a knee is pretty important in soccer.
Kelsey came out of school today and told me that she had a student council meeting that lasted until 4:15. This posed a bit of a problem. Erin had grandma's car at soccer, Dave was at work and had school immediately after and I had to be at school for my class at 4:00. Problem number 2, Ryan had basketball at 5:30 and my class doesn't let out until 6:00. I called Dave, that was about as much help as trying to contact Elvis from the other side and asking his opinion as to what I should do. I got a hold of my dear friend Kelly who always seems to be there when I need her, either with a brand new can of my favorite hairspray or a kitchen to cook in, at midnight when I am hiding 10 pounds of pasta for my mom's surprise party. She picked Kelsey up for me after school and I made arrangements to car pool with two other boys for basketball. I just had to pick them up at 6:30. I had just enough time to whip up dinner for my injured soccer player before I left to pick up the boys. Shannon has been asleep on the living room floor since she got home from school.(the Jonas Brothers concert wore her out) She is using the dog bed as a pillow. (gross) If she didn't weigh 90 lbs I might carry her up to bed. The dog's birthday is tomorrow, Maggie is frantic that I haven't taken her shopping to buy him a gift yet. I told her this year we were going to give Seamus extra love on his special day instead of a gift. He normally just chews up his toys and throws them up on my bedroom carpet anyway.


Abbie said...

HOLY COW!! You gotta warn a girl before you go and post a picture like that!! *WHEW* That ones a doozy! Poor girl, and poor mama! :)
Hope her knee gets to feeling better soon!

Kisha said...

yep I know those knees, just tell her to use lots of Cocoa butter on them and the scar won't last.