Maggie had a little bike accident on Saturday. I was sitting in the kitchen and I heard a loud crash followed by laughter followed by screaming. Maggie and Ryan were racing their bikes up the driveway when Maggie crashed in the garage. She thought it was pretty funny until she noticed the gushing blood on her big toe. The Murphy family has a lovely trait of sacrificing their safety all in the name of winning, my youngest Murphy is no exception. I asked her what she ran into and she said "everything." If you could see the state of our garage you would understand that when she said everything that she was not exaggerating. Of course we are out of band aids so I had to go next door to borrow one from the neighbor. When Maggie calmed down I asked her why she didn't stop. She said that her bike doesn't have any brakes. Kelsey said "great mom, you give her a bike without brakes." I told her that she was riding the bike the kid down the street gave her. Kelsey asked, "didn't you check it out before you let her ride it?" Thanks Kels, like I don't feel bad enough. The bike does have brakes but they are hand brakes and they are hard to operate. I am thinking of returning the "death trap" back to the kid down the street and telling her thanks but no thanks. Maybe if everything in my house wasn't turned into a competition we would be OK.
Erin came home from school today and told me that she wanted to go on a mission trip. They had a missionary come to school today and speak at an assembly. Erin was very inspired. She said that she brought pictures and showed a slide show. She was a little concerned that the lady didn't wear make up on her trip. Erin said that if she goes that she would bring her make-up. I have visions of Erin walking around Honduras wearing a string bikini with spiked heels and a full face of make-up. Maybe she could spread the gift of vanity in a third world country!!! She would be the first missionary asked to never return.
Kelsey woke up this morning and could barely open her eyes. She fell asleep in her contacts two nights in a row. I told her to try and go to school, her eyes should feel better soon since she took her contacts out. I got a call from the school nurse around 9:30. She said "I have Kelsey in my office, she has pink eye." I explained to her that she slept in her contacts, she said "OH she didn't tell me that." She probably thought, what is wrong with this mother. This kids eyes are swollen shut, did she even look at her kid this morning. I hope she didn't notice Ryan at recess today without a coat when it was only 40 degrees or Maggie with a half carton of chocolate milk down the front of her shirt. On the bright side, Shannon looked fine today. Speaking of Shannon, she had a cheerleading end of year party after school. I picked her up at 4:15. She was really excited and said "mom, look what I got." She unzipped her pencil case and pulled out a wilted green thing that looked like a leaf. I said, "what is that?" She said, "we dissected frogs today in science and I cut off my frogs foot and put it in my pencil case to bring it home. Isn't it cool!!!" OK I think that this is proof that every one of our children are a little off. I used to think that she was one of the last remaining normal ones but the stolen body part from the science lab has me a bit nervous!!!
5 years. It has been 5 years.
8 years ago
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