Sunday, April 6, 2008

My garage sale went well on Saturday. Erin was supposed to help me because she needs service hours. Her service card is due in less than two weeks. She wanted to make up most of her hours. She claims that she is much to busy to actually serve the community. Maybe they should put, see asterisk in the school handbook. *all sophomores except for sweet little Erin Murphy (because she is much to busy) are required to do a minimum of thirty hours of service. I woke her up bright and early Saturday so she could serve the community. She sat in a lawn chair wrapped in a blanket for about 10 minutes. Once she saw that I was making a little cash she decided she just had to have a bagel from Bread Co. We were having a bit of a car issue. Lauren came home this weekend and was planning on taking grandma's car to her exercise class and Dave was taking his car to Ryan's practice. Erin ignored Lauren's announcement that she was taking the car and beat her to it. Once Lauren discovered that Erin didn't show the proper respect to her older sister and took the car anyway, it posed a bit of a problem. I thought about tying them both to a tree with a free to good home sign around their necks. Once Erin finished fighting with Lauren she moved on to Shannon. They were fighting over Shannon's warm, fuzzy pink blanket. They both sat in the same lawn chair sharing the blanket instead of Erin going inside to get her own. Erin still needs 29 hours and 55 minutes of service hours. Maybe she can look for a garage sale next weekend and volunteer to sit in a chair wrapped in a blanket. Lauren has vowed to call the teacher at Erin's school to let her know that Erin really didn't perform service to the community. The Murphy's were really feeling the love this weekend!!!!

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