Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today was one of those days that I knew would be a mess no matter how hard I juggled all of our activities. One of those days where I am envious of all the people with 2.2 kids. I had school at 4:00, Kelsey had a student council meeting until 4:15, Shannon had cheer leading tryouts at 4:30, Erin had a game at 5:00, Ryan had a baseball game at 6:00 and Kelsey and Maggie had soccer practice at 6:00. Dave also has school on Tuesday nights. I called this morning and arranged for Ryan to go home with his friend so he could go to the game with him. I told him to pack his uniform in his backpack. Of course he had everything in a ball so I went to re pack it. That's when I noticed that the baseball pants that I told him to bring downstairs to be washed were still filthy. I decided not to stress over the situation and just hope that everyone would think that the dirty baseball player belonged to the family that brought him to the game. Grandma was going to drop Shannon off at cheer leading try outs (40 minutes away) and then drop off Kelsey and Maggie at practice. I was going to pick Shannon up after my class let out then swing back by to get Kelsey. Everything would have worked out but Kelsey had student council until 4:15. She said "don't worry mom I can miss my meeting." She came up to me a half hour later wearing her little student council T-shirt and said "can you write me a note excusing me from the meeting." I said "never mind, I will skip my class, (just like my high school days) some things are just more important." I wanted to bring Shannon to her try outs anyway. On the way to try outs I remembered that I forgot the physical form that Shannon needed. I figured it would be better to be on time with out the form. I called home to see if grandma could fax it to Dave's office and he could bring it to me. She couldn't find the form, she picked this time to tell me that I had lots of papers laying around the house. Dave ended up calling the place that did her physical and they faxed him a copy. The cheer leading coach told us to just bring it tomorrow. Everything is always high drama with us. Shannon did really well, she knew all the steps and executed them with confidence. It is nice to have such a confident kid, moments like that make a mom proud. I wanted to say, see that darling little red head, you know the one, the one that is better than the other 40 kids in the room, yeah that one, yeah she's mine!! I would bet that 39 other parents felt the same way about their perfect kids too. I dropped Shannon off at the house and headed to pick up Kelsey. I grabbed MC Donald's on the way home. Another fancy family meal. I checked the kids grades online today so I had some nice dinner conversation. I said, "one of you just flunked two religion quizzes, I cant remember which one." I pointed back and forth in between Ryan and Shannon, Shannon was trying to remember if it was her and then Ryan finally said, Oh I think that was me. Shannon said, "I think I am flunking gym, I keep wearing the wrong shorts." I have one kid flunking religion and another one flunking gym. Dave an I should really stop reproducing NOW!!! Ryan is student of the week this week. He said "it's April, they were running out of people so it is my turn." He got to bring in pictures of himself and his family for the bulletin board. Apparently the third grade boys all think Erin is "hot" now. I guess Sam and Lauren are losing their touch, they are getting too old.

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