Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hamburger buns, how hard could it possibly be to buy them in a timely fashion??? I was grilling burgers and making mac and cheese for dinner. I called Dave and asked him to swing by the store and pick them up on his way home. I asked him when he was leaving the office so I knew when to start dinner. Of course I always have to add at least 15 minutes to whatever time that he tells me. Today I actually gave him an extra half hour so I would have a little cushion. Erin and Shannon came home and I had a piping hot dinner ready for them when they walked in the door except for the buns. Where in the hell were the buns?? I called the love of my life but he didn't answer. He finally got home after we finished eating with several bags of groceries. Considering the only thing that was on his list was hamburger buns I didn't see a need for so many bags. He could tell that I was aggravated and if my body language wasn't a big enough clue my son said "mom was ready to lock you out." His response was, "don't be mad pumpkin, you have no idea how stressful that was for me at the store, I couldn't find the chips. Every aisle was marked except the chip aisle, Why wouldn't they mark the chip aisle? Every end cap had chips , that was very misleading, what are they trying to do? Trick me?" I said, "Yeah Dave along with KFC, everyone is out to trick you. Maybe you are just a bumbling idiot, did you ever think of that?" Considering that hamburger buns were the only thing on the list, you could have avoided all the "stress" of the chip hunt.

Erin called me this afternoon to see if she could go to her friends house tonight because she got an ear piercing gun. She said don't worry mom, it's a good one and it's sterile. I asked what she was planning on piercing. She said that she wanted to double pierce her ears. I thought if it is so sterile that she might as well go ahead and pierce her nose, eyebrow, tongue and belly button while she was at it. NOT She stayed home and worked on homework instead.

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