Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Seamus's diaper is doing great, I think he actually likes it. I went to Wal Mart to buy Poise pads to put inside his diaper garment the other day and of course ran into one of Maggie's classmate's mom . I wonder how long it will take for the whole school to think that I have a bladder problem. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I was buying them for my dog. I should have just said I was picking them up for my mother. (sorry mom, I had to throw someone under the bus) We are averaging two accidents a day. I steam cleaned the carpet today and I am starting to like my dog again.
Yesterday I was running late as usual to get Maggie to her 5:00 practice. I pulled out of the driveway and as soon as I got to the top of my hill I saw a motorcycle cop with a radar gun pointed on me. Woops, he pointed at me to pull over. He approached my window and very sternly said "Do you realize that I clocked you at 34mph in a 25mph residential zone?" I said "wow, I just pulled out of my driveway, this van sure has some get up and go doesn't it." But it kind of came out like "no, I sure didn't." He took my license and came back a few minutes later and said, I'm giving you an early birthday present (my birthday is Friday) I am going to give you a warning. He probably felt sorry for me because I am obviously delusional because my license still says that I weigh 95 lbs.
Shannon has her first formal dance on Friday. I talked her into having the after party at our house after the dance. Why did I do this?????? I thought it would be a good way to meet her new high school friends. What was I thinking??? She came home from school with a guest list of 40 of her closest friends. I said "40???" She said "one girl can't come," I said "great 39 kids plus dates." She said "well actually, 40, I did have 41 on the list. I instructed her to majorly shave that list down. I'm hoping that many of the kids won't be able to come because we live 40 minutes from school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to tell you this...but I think your dog may be gay.