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Monday, September 8, 2008

Kelsey got to see her all time sports idol, Lori Chalupny tonight. She was so sweet, she even let Kelsey hold her gold medal and pose for a picture. Kelsey brought along her smelly soccer shoe for her to sign and she did it with a laugh and probably sanitized her hands shortly after. It is great to see a professional athlete represent not only her country but her city so well. What a fabulous role model she is for young girls everywhere. I know one young girl in particular who is truly inspired!!

I am still searching for a job, I alternate between boredom, frustration and pure joy at being able to wait until 10:00 before I brush my teeth or put a bra on. My goal is to keep my dumb dog from peeing in the house now that I am home all day. I swear he waits until I'm not looking and hurries up and pees. There is a product out called a belly band that is like a male diaper for dogs. I am going to break down and buy it. I am sure he will soon learn to eat his way out of it but it is worth a shot. Otherwise we may be taking a trip to the "farm" sooner rather than later.

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