I can't believe Christmas will be here in 10 days. Where did the time go?? Erin has been back since Friday and the house is hopping again. She has a way of making everyone laugh.
She has grown up a lot since she left for college. The reason I know this is what happened on Sunday night. She was sitting on the hearth holding my large hand mirror plucking her eyebrows when Ryan decided it would be fun to run at her full speed ahead with a pillow and knock the mirror into her face as she plucked her eyebrows. She screamed at him and asked him why he would be such a jerk but the old Erin would have immediately dropped the mirror and pinned the small boy to the ground and pummeled him to death.
Maggie has her school play tomorrow, she is playing the part of Mary. She is a little upset because she saw her costume yesterday at school. She said that the costume isn't even pretty and the veil doesn't match the robe. I don't know what she was expecting, but I doubt the Holy Family stopped by Nordstroms on the way to the manger??
I am almost finished shopping, I have a few more things to buy for my oldest two then I am finished. Yeah hooray. Dave bought himself an early Christmas present AKA midlife crisis present. He bought an electric guitar for himself Tuesday night. He found it on Craigs List and went and picked it up around 9:30 pm. He got home around 10:30 acting like a kid on Christmas morning. He plugged it in and soon realized that he has no idea how to play the guitar. He couldn't wait to get home from work yesterday to play with his new toy. Last night he was a sight for sore eyes sitting in bed in his underwear with a lap top on his lap with guitar playing instructions while he desperately tried to learn a "D" cord. I decided to go upstairs and hang with Erin, Lauren Shannon ,Kelsey and Erin's friend Allie. I sat with them for a while and learned that I could no longer bear the silly girls giddy conversations and that I had no other choice to return to my bedroom and deal with "guitar hero." Finally at around midnight I stated that I think this little mid life crisis was getting the best of me, I would prefer sharing my bed with another woman, she might be a little quieter than the fricken guitar. I think he responded with some idiot comment like "OK, you really don't mind, you are awesome" Funny honey!!
5 years. It has been 5 years.
8 years ago