Monday, December 3, 2007

I am featuring Sam's lovely yarn and glitter star today since I just got off the phone with her. She called to tell me that she was aware of all the money that she owed me and that she got a job and would be working towards paying me back. I'm glad she finally noticed that she has not paid her car insurance or loan payments in the last few months. Last time her checking account got low I transferred some money for her and she used it for an online shopping spree at Urban Behavior.

She has kind of hit rock bottom with her finances. Her meal plan at school is quickly running out of points. She is forced to do some desperate things for a meal. She said they were advertising on campus that if you went to make a homemade card for a kid in Children's Hospital you could make your own cupcake and cookie. I think she lined her purse with napkins and made enough cards to spread enough cheer to all the sick kids in St. Louis. Last weekend she borrowed Maggie's tooth fairy money to pay her share of the party bus her friend rented for her 21st birthday. I am thinking of rounding up the family and arranging an intervention!! I told her to call her dad this week and make a date for a lunch. Of course she has had plenty of money to pay her $80 dollar phone bill every month, a girl can't survive without text messaging.

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