Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My little angel/demon turns sixteen tomorrow. It is hard to believe she is that old. She had a crash course in parallel parking tonight. I was at the mall so unfortunately I missed that little lesson. She seems pretty confident. If she passes her test tomorrow she will be the first one of my kids to pass her driving test on the first try. Sam flunked twice and Lauren flunked once. Erin flunked her permit 4 times. We finally forced her to read the book. It was getting to the point where I wanted to show up at the DMV in a wig and sunglasses. Dave finally took her to take her permit for the fifth time and made her study before they went.

Dave went to the hockey game last night. He got the tickets through work. He called home to tell the kids to turn on the TV and look for him because he was in the first row behind the glass. They said "we are watching The Biggest Loser, we will see you in the morning, thanks anyway." I was out shopping, I would have changed the channel and looked for him if I had been home. I always have a problem watching people shaped like me on the treadmill when I am sitting on the couch just watching them. That show always inspires me for about 10 minutes.

I spent a few more hours walking the mall tonight looking for the perfect birthday gift. I picked up a couple of things and even got her a sentimental gift. I thought about going to Sam's dorm room and buying the sign I bought her for Christmas last year that she has hanging on her bulletin board. It says "caution mood swings ahead." I'm sure she would let me buy it back from her. I could probably even trade her a cheeseburger for it. Erin doesn't quite understand the concept of a dollar. I gave the kids each a dollar amount that I was spending this year for Christmas and Erin wanted me to assure her that the amount I gave her that I was spending was pre-tax. She didn't want tax to interfere with the amount of gifts that she received. I am so glad that she knows the true meaning of Christmas. After all no one liked the tax collectors in the bible. I think she is just trying to express herself biblically. It almost brings a tear to my eye.

Erin's permit has her height and weight listed as 5'1" and 95lbs. When she brought her permit home last year I said, "look Erin, we weigh the same. " My drivers license still says that I weigh 95lbs and I am not about to change it unless of course I ever get down to 90lbs. My height says 4'11" I finally hit 5'0" but I was afraid that if I changed my height they would ask if I wanted to change my weight. Erin is about 4'11", not 5'1",apparently I didn't set a very good example of not lying to the DMV. Sometimes it is OK to tell a little white lie. Whatever height and weight she lists when she passes her test will probably stay with her for the rest of her life. She might as well put 5'7" what the heck aim high!!

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