Sunday, December 9, 2007

Martha Stewart eat your heart out. I bet her fireplace hearth doesn't feature a slightly squished (from the backpack transport) construction paper advent candle. There are yellow, slightly flame shaped pieces Maggie cut out that she is supposed to tape on each week. We can't find the flames so we are just pretending, I told her it was OK as long as the fire burns in our hearts. That held her over for a while, I will be out tomorrow buying yellow construction paper.

I got an early Christmas present this weekend. Two bright and shiny new tires for my van AKA "The Money Pit." Dave hates to drive my van he says he needs a runway just to turn the blankety blank thing around. He drove it today to Kelsey's indoor soccer game. We had a lot of ice this weekend so my side mirrors were all iced up and you couldn't use them to see behind you. Dave circled the parking lot about 4 times passing several good parking spots. He was too afraid to back into a spot without the use of the mirrors. Finally he dropped us at the door and said "get out." Fifteen minutes later he came inside. That reminds me, I need to call the pharmacy and get his high blood pressure medicine refilled!!

On the way home from the soccer game today, we were passing the field by our house that is always full of deer. Everything is iced over so apparently Erin was concerned for the deer. She asked, "Mom what do the deer do in the winter, do they hibernate?" I said "yes honey deer hunters hang out in caves." No, really I told her the truth that Santa comes and brings Rudolph and they all fly to the North Pole. Maybe I should go wake her up and tell her the truth, remember what happened when I told Lauren St. Patrick only had one arm.

I have a site tracker on my website so I can see how many visitors I have each day and from what city and how they were referred. Either by typing in the address or by a Google search. It is funny for me to see how some people stumble upon my site accidentally. I had one person search, how to leave your husband? My post that said "never leave your husband in charge " directed her to my site. I have had searches that said "how to make a teapot costume" because I mentioned that I had to draw a teapot in art class. Anyway to make a long story short, Today I had a visitor that searched Google for a frozen orange juice can ornament. I mean seriously, send me your address and I will send you my juice can ornaments, I have several!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been reading your blog for a while now and your stories always make me smile! My mom has several boxes of our orniments, fortunatly they are in the "storage room" aka the room of no return, and we don't have to get them out this year, yee haw! Anyway good luck with the flames for your candles, you could always color them on? Merry Christmas, Jeni