Friday, December 28, 2007

One of the many perks of having so many girls is not just the lovely homemade Christmas ornaments but the many gifts my girls have given me to put on my dresser. My latest and greatest is the silver jewelery box complete with a little rust on top that I got from Maggie this Christmas. It is on my dresser in between the heart shaped plaster jewelery box from Erin and the lovely flower pot with a foam daisy that Shannon made. The aqua bank with a decoupage family picture and hot pink sequin trim is from Lauren. Erin also made the vase next to it and Lauren is the creator of the blue and green coil container. I wonder if Martha Stewart's dresser looks like mine?? I am hoping that one day their father will actually get me some jewelery to put in my jewelery box collection.
Kelsey has a game in the morning, Lauren has to work, Erin has to work and Sam has to work. This whole sharing of the cars is working almost as well as the girls sharing their clothes.

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