Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Erin and Shannon got their room put back together. I never thought I hated the color pink until today. I like bright colors but I have to say this is a little extreme. I will post a picture soon. I am too exhausted from doing Tae Bo with Lauren and Kelsey and I don't have the energy to climb the stairs tonight to snap a picture. Kelsey barely broke a sweat.(maybe she could take the picture)

Ryan's birthday is tomorrow. It is hard to believe that nine years ago tonight I was headed to the hospital in the middle of a horrible snow storm to deliver an 8lb bouncing baby boy. Of course had he decided to come on time, I could have avoided the snow storm and gotten an extra tax deduction. I guess I have enough of those anyway. Dave and I went shopping tonight for Ryan's birthday present. We got him a new bike. We debated between that and a shoe tying course. Grandma bought him heelies for his birthday. He wants to know if he can wear them to school. Like he doesn't get in enough trouble at school already. Lets just add roller skating down the hallway to the list. The kids all head back to school tomorrow. The house will be nice and quiet. I might even get a chance to play Wii. By three o clock I should be an expert.

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