Thursday, January 10, 2008

Erin left yesterday to go tanning. Shortly after she left she called me and said "I think I ran over a red and blue water balloon in the driveway." I said, "We don't normally have water balloons laying in the driveway in January." I sent Ryan outside to check. He found the bottle of Tide that grandma got out of the trunk and set behind the car. She asked Ryan to carry it in for her. I told Erin that when she got home she had to clean up the driveway with the dirty clothes. We don't want to let all that laundry detergent go to waste. The hose wasn't hooked up anymore since it is January. I decided to leave this special little project for Dave. My mother was a little concerned. She was afraid he would get out of his car and slip and fall in the driveway. I told her he was a big boy and that I was sure he would be just fine. She insisted that I call and warn him, she was afraid that he would fall and be in a coma. She has spent half of her life waiting for the sky to fall and the other half worrying about it. When I called Dave his only question was, "did it get on my grass?" I swear sometimes I think he loves his lawn more than his family. Luckily the grass was free and clear of tide. The nozzle on our hose was broken so poor Dave had to hold his thumb over the hose to get good water pressure. By the time that he finished, his thumb was numb from the cold. We have the most mountain fresh, squeaky clean driveway on the block.
The tree is boxed up and in the attic!!!! I think he felt guilty for kicking me in my sleep last night. He said I was snoring really loud. He kept kicking me to try and shut me up. I got up to go to the bathroom, he was afraid that I would remember that I was awake because of the constant kicking by my loving spouse so he pretended to be asleep when I got back in bed. He said he is going to buy me some breathe right strips. He really spoils me, I am so lucky!!!

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