Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Today was trash day. While I am happy that my husband actually remembered to wheel the cans to the curb, I am however amused that the poinsettia plants that I wanted to throw away two and a half weeks ago are still in my kitchen. Dave insisted I leave them in the kitchen until trash day. Oh, I get it, he meant trash day in March!! Notice the plant on the left is shrinking fast. Maybe I will get lucky and the dog will eat it. Sorry Maggie, I didn't mean it, I secretly love your dog that pees in my closet and all over my bathroom carpet.
Maggie got picked to speak at mass next Saturday to help kick off Catholic Schools Week. She has to say "hello, my name is Maggie Murphy and I like Assumption School because ______________." She wanted to say Art, I told her to think of something else and she said "lunch." We decided to go with "the teachers." I am thinking of skipping town before she turns fourteen. I decided that Shannon is not another Sybil like Erin, her personality doesn't quite fluctuate like Erin's does. She pretty much stays crabby and aggravated with me 24/7. When did I get so stupid??? My God, I don't even know which Jonas brother is the oldest. I should probably be shot!!
Dave just left to go get milk. He tried to talk me into going with him. I explained that I was going to skip "date night" at the grocery store tonight. It is just too painful now that I am on a diet. He has already called me with questions on what kind of cereal he should buy. Why can't he just make a decision without consulting me on cereal choices? We go through 5-7 boxes a week. If he makes a bad cereal choice it will be OK. Really, it's not life or death.

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