Sunday, January 27, 2008

This weekend was actually pretty uneventful, not too much dysfunction, just the usual amount. We got to sleep in this morning since we went to mass last night. Our first game wasn't until 1:00 and the house was still clean from yesterday since Sam's friends came over. I could get used to living like this.

Erin had to work this morning. The guy she likes worked with her yesterday and again today. Just long enough for her to get her little hooks in him. I think his name is Zack. Zack if you come across my blog and are reading this, RUN!!!!!! Run for the hills, she's crazy!!! He texted her tonight, that sparked a 20 minute debate on whether or not she should text him back and if so, how long should she wait. She wants to appear calm cool and collected. I can't remember ever having that much confidence when I was her age. Good for her, she normally quits liking a boy once they like her back, that's good for me.

I cut Dave's hair tonight, it was looking pretty shabby. He has the father daughter banquet with Erin on Friday night. Dave's hairline seems to be receding at a pretty fast rate. Erin walked by while I was cutting his hair. She picked up some hair off the floor and sprinkled it on the top of his head. She said "Umm we are going to need this for Friday." We all laughed, poor Dave, we still love you, even if you are starting to look like Bruce Willis!!!!

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