Thursday, March 20, 2008

The case of the slow draining bathtub and the stopped up toilet is now solved. The picture to the left is what my husband pulled out of the drain in the girls bathroom. Who knew it wasn't a good idea to let bobby pins and pony tail holders go down the drain? Erin insists that all of the hair belongs to Shannon because it looks more red then blond. We explained that hair doesn't stay a lovely golden blond when it is stuck in a drain pipe. Maybe having four girls with a combined length of hair somewhere over 6 feet was not such a good idea. There is a new bobby pin rule in the house, they must remove all bobby pins before they enter the bathroom. I'm sure that will last all of two days. Dave will be back upstairs equipped with a plunger and needle nose pliers in a couple of months. The pee all over the seat in Ryan's bathroom isn't looking too bad right about now!!
Lauren got her wisdom teeth cut out yesterday. She asked my to go get her an orange freeze from Steak N Shake. Ryan said, "Oh get me a strawberry shake." I said, "little boys who get detention, don't get strawberry shakes." He said, "OK, get me vanilla.
Yesterday at boot camp we had to do chest presses with a weight bar. The bar weighed 40 pounds and we had to lift it 30 times. Becky/Satan in spandex was spotting me. She told me to hold the bar around my nipple line. Well I don't know about perky little Becky but my nipple line runs somewhere between the middle of my rib cage and my belly button, and I'm pretty sure my "line" isn't facing the same direction, especially when I am laying on a weight bench!! Today I had to run my mile for my end of camp assessment. I bought an Ipod last night and loaded it with Rick Springfield songs to help me run faster. Two minutes into my run I was feeling pretty good. One of my ear buds fell out and then the other. I tried squeezing them back into my ears and then the music stopped. Somehow I jiggled the power off. I had to run the rest of my time holding my ear buds. I have no idea how people can shove those hard plastic things in their ears. Today I bought big soft ear phones covered in foam. I think they are the equivalent of wearing white tube socks to run instead of little ankle socks. Who cares, I was cool in high school that's all that matters!! I shaved 40 seconds off my mile from the first day of camp. My lungs are still burning but I am 40 seconds faster. Woo Hoo!!

1 comment:

Kisha said...

woohoo!!!! 40 seconds is great. and I know what you mean about the drains, hubby has to clean ours every couple of months and there's only my daughter and I?!?!?!?