Friday, March 7, 2008

Erin called me crying this morning while I was driving to work. She said she was having shooting pains in her knee like she was having last week before the red line appeared. I asked her if she was feeling feverish again or if the red line was reappearing. She said no. I told her there wasn't much more we could do other than to keep taking her antibiotics and some advil. She is not supposed to be doing anything strenuous. She ran two miles yesterday with her soccer team. I told her that I couldn't call the doctor and complain about pain when she brought it on herself. She said "fine mom bye!!" I guess she won't be nominating me for mother of the year anytime soon. (so what else is new?)

Satan, the fitness instructor told me my shin splints were probably caused from having old shoes. Or could it possibly be caused from her making me jog on a treadmill with the elevation set to the highest and then just when I feel like I may die, she made me move to the elliptical and set the resistance on 20. Yeah it's probably the shoes. Maybe my sports bra is causing my arms to feel like they may fall off when I have to hold the weight bar over my head a hundred times. So far I have gained two pounds!!

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