Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted much this week but fitness boot camp has caused me to be near death every day when the sun goes down. Every morning between 5:30 and six I am ready to either throw up or cry. Last night I was so exhausted that I went to bed at 8:30, Kelsey came in my room climbed up in my bed and asked me to help her with her social studies homework. Pre-bootcamp days I would be more than willing to help her. I said"God help you if the answers to that worksheet are right there in your social studies book, but your just too lazy to look for them." I also said "What are you doing in my bed in your soccer spikes? Maggie came home from practice with dog poop all over her shoes and she practiced on the same field that you did." She looked at me kind of funny and said "never mind, I guess I don't need help." I'm thinking my mother of the year votes may be dwindling.

Dave went into work late on Wednesday so he could go to mass and listen to Maggie read a petition. We had been practicing all weekend. She was supposed to say "We pray for our church and all it's leaders, especially Pope Benedict. The first time we practiced she said Poop Benedict, the next time she said except Pope Benedict instead of especially. By Wednesday she had it down. I am taking off of work next week when Lauren gets her wisdom teeth out so I had Dave go to mass instead of me. Dave called me around 9:00 to let me know that she wasn't reading her petition until next Wednesday but her friend Claire did an excellent job reading hers. At least I am consistently showing up a week early instead of a week late.

I took Kelsey to get glasses and contacts tonight. Her vision was 20/30 last time I had her tested. Now it is 20/80 in one eye and 20/100 in the other. It probably would have been cheaper if I would have just bought her a German shepherd, sunglasses and a cane.

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