Saturday, March 1, 2008

These pictures are the latest update in the knee injury. She went back to the doctor today. He said that it seemed to be doing OK. He bent it and felt around the joint area to make sure she still was able to move it. He had her get off the table and do a squat to make sure her joint wasn't locking up. She was able to do it without a problem. When we got home I ran to Walgreens to fill her prescription. When I got back Erin was gone. Kelsey told me that Dad had taken her to work. What, is he a complete idiot????? She can't work, she can barely walk. She got home around dinner time and her knee had bled through her bandage. She has had her leg on the kitchen table for two hours. She can no longer do a squat and is having a hard time bending it. Now I am stuck with the dilemma, Is it worse because she went to work when she should have been resting or is the infection moving to her joint? The doctor told me if it was in her joint she would be unable to do a squat like she did earlier. I am hoping the oral antibiotic will kick in and the red line on her thigh will fade again. I am supposed to call the doctor again on Monday.
Shannon is at a party that a boy in her class is having. I dropped her off around 6:30pm. She is supposed to be picked up at 11:00. Me and Dave are both exhausted, we are arguing about which one of us is going to go get her. We are seriously considering letting this family adopt her. Maybe we can have Erin go get her, she can hang her left leg out the window while she is driving. The fresh air may do it some good!!!

1 comment:

Kisha said...

Ouch Erin!!! That looks painful. Hope it's getting better and she can do squats soon.