Monday, November 26, 2007

I have been working on my Christmas card all evening. I always try to do something creative. Now that I am an art student,I feel that my creative juices are about as dry as my turkey was. I am considering renting out a family to borrow to pose for our Christmas card. I have received two Christmas cards in the mail so far. I usually have mine addressed,stamped and ready to go by now. I am slipping in my old age.

Maggie had a end of year team party for her soccer team at Pizza Street. I don't think there is a place that I dislike more than pizza street. (well maybe the place that serves dinner on tin pie plates) Dave and I both went, Maggie was an only child for the evening. We were in and out in an hour an ten minutes. New personal best!!!

Dave has promised to get our Christmas lights up by the weekend. This is the one time a year I refrain from nagging about his procrastinating. We have a pretty steep roof, I can't watch when he is out there. I make sure one of the kids keeps an eye on him in case he falls, someone will be able to call 911. He turns into Chevy Chase every Christmas trying to outdo the neighbors. We bought two of the lighted reindeer last night. Dave wanted to buy two big deer and seven baby deer. I said "don't you think that is a bit over the top?" He responded, "having seven kids isn't over the top?" Point well taken. Maybe if we didn't have seven kids we could afford to buy seven lighted reindeer.

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