Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Maggie's 1st grade class is having a vowel cafe. She calls it a hometown buffet. Grandma takes her there allot to eat. Anyway, each child is assigned a letter and is giving a list of foods that they can bring to the vowel cafe. We were assigned short sound O. We could choose from popcorn, hot chocolate and a couple of other things. Maggie chose hot chocolate. Grandma was going to Sam's Warehouse today to stock up on Ryan's cracker supply for the winter. I called her and asked her to pick up a big container of hot chocolate for the vowel cafe. I picked Shannon up from cheerleading practice on my way home from work. I usually forget about her on Wednesday's but today I outsmarted myself and drew a big giant S on my hand so I wouldn't forget about her. (maybe I should have drawn teeth on my hand last week and the tooth fairy may have actually shown up) I had a hair appointment at 5:30 so I had just enough time to grab a quick dinner before I left. I got home from my cut and color around 8:00. Ryan and Maggie chose tonight to become independent and made themselves some hot chocolate. Did Maggie forget that she was supposed to bring that to school tomorrow for the vowel cafe. Now her teacher will think I just grabbed some old stuff out of the back of my pantry. I'm sure Ryan's teacher has already shared the story of his field trip lunch. (check older posts for the story) I guess she already knows I am a little on the scatter brained side after the Margaret Mary costume, a half eaten container of hot chocolate is mild for our family.

Ryan has chosen this week to have a growth spurt. His school pants are a little high waterish that fit him last week. He has blown out the knees on all three pair of school pants playing kickball. Considering he keeps getting his recess taken away I can't understand how he keeps blowing out his knees. He claims that he needs to slide during kickball or he will get out. Between his pants and Maggie spilling chocolate milk down the front of her every day, I am thinking about making a "hungry please help" sign and turning them into professional panhandlers and bring them to the front of a local shopping mall with a tin can. It may help finance Christmas. Well at least finance some new school pants!!

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