Thursday, November 15, 2007

The tooth fairy arrived on time and all was right with the world. I packed lunches and outsmarted my dog this morning. I had Dave climb up in the rafters of the garage and get down his container of bungee cords. I felt like Bill Murray in Caddy Shack. I used three bungee's to stretch across the door. I found myself talking to the dog this morning with an evil "try to get out now," voice. By noon I had visions of my cute little black dog dead in his crate due to choking on plastic trying to eat his way out. When I pulled in the driveway after picking the kids up, I asked Shannon to get the dog out of his crate and to let him out. I had to go pick up Erin. Besides, I didn't want to be the one to find a dead dog, Maggie is already a shoo in for therapy, I might as well try for a two for one deal.

The dog survived but it took both Shannon and Kelsey to get him out of his crate, the bungee cords were a little much for Shannon to handle all by herself. (It seems I outsmarted Seamus and Shannon)
The picture above is my first official portrait. My family very eloquently pointed out that the drawing looks absolutely nothing like Maggie. Always count on the ones you love to be brutally honest. Regardless of what they think, I was pretty happy with it. Considering that I struggled with drawing boxes my first week of class. I think my teacher's nickname should be The Miracle Worker. We started our self portrait in class. I will post the finished product. (as long as it actually resembles me of course.)

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