Monday, November 19, 2007

Okay so my sister Kathy called me today, the same one that said "why are you going to art school? Maureen is the one who was good at art." Maureen is our other sister, she sent me a birthday card this year with a hundred dollar check and a note that said, "sorry I was so mean to you when we were kids and told you that you were a bad artist, use this money to buy art supplies, I'm proud of you for going back to school." Anyway Kathy called to tell me that my self portrait was good but it looked like I shaved about 30 pounds in my portrait. 30 pounds, who does she think she is, let me get this straight, Sybil said my underwear were huge and my MUCH older sister basically said I was a cow. She lives in Chicago, she told me that she wasn't coming home for Thanksgiving this year. She has been doing really well dieting and exercising so she doesn't want to blow it by coming home, she said she doesn't trust herself to not hit a few drive thru's on the six hour drive home. I think that maybe for Christmas I might draw a portrait of her. I have always felt that she bears a striking resemblance to Violet on Willy Wonka. (after she chews the gum of course)

Lauren called me at work to see if we were making pies on Wednesday. It has been a long standing tradition for me to make pies with my girls the day before Thanksgiving. It has also been a long standing tradition for me to get ditched by my girls to go to the movies or the mall with their friends the day before Thanksgiving instead of making pies. Last year I bought the pies. I told Lauren that we could make them if she actually showed up. She sent Mike a text message to see what kind of pie that he liked. He replied "chocolate, hold the spit."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Violet is down to 121 lbs and intends to reach double digits by the end of January. She will send you all of her old clothes.
