Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lauren called me at work today to see what I was doing tonight. She hasn't talked to me since she yelled at me for being to strict with Erin. She is going on a trip to Kansas City with one of her fashion classes and she volunteered to bring homemade chocolate chip cookies. Considering her dorm room does not come equipped with an easy bake oven, she had a little problem. I told her that I actually had all the ingredients in the house so I would do it. She said,"good, can you also put them in a container that I can throw away and can dad drop them off at my dorm in the morning?" Maybe I could go ahead and chew them up for her.

Grandma had to pick Maggie up early from school today because she is sick. When I pulled down the street after work I saw my son roller blading and jumping over stacked plastic cups(without a helmet,) my sick child was playing outside barefoot and without a coat and my dog was chasing a couple down the street walking their dogs. I thought "should I turn left instead of pulling in the driveway and pretend like I don't know the hoosier family with the unruly dog or should I own up to my dysfunction and save these nice people from my annoying dog. I decided to own up to my dysfunction, I apologized to them and they said "oh, he is fine I just didn't want him to get hit when I saw you coming down the street." I said trust me, it would be no tragedy. (just kidding Maggie)

I was planning on having leftovers tonight but Erin/Sybil threw a fit that I wasn't cooking. I made a few boxes of Velveeta shells and cheese and whola, Sybil was happy!! I started to make the cookies after dinner. When I opened my canister of Crisco it was bad. I called Dave since he was out and asked him to pick some up for me. I am still waiting for the Crisco at 9:30. He decided to go by Target and buy a book. When my husband goes into a store and enters the magazine or book aisle he might as well pack an overnight bag. He is lucky that I absolutely love to stay up past midnight baking something that other people get to eat!!

Good God, Maggie lost another tooth tonight. There goes my lunch money. Lets see if the tooth fairy shows up tonight!!!

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