Saturday, May 14, 2016

Still Aging......

I am still battling the effects of aging. I have never been very good at getting into a routine of washing my face and applying moisturizer. I am definitely a type “B” person and prefer to just go with the flow. To define go with the flow..Basically I go to bed every night with a full face of makeup. Why would I bother taking off my make-up, I can do it in the morning when I am not tired. Luckily I never had acne issues when I was young so it was easy to ignore my skin and not be penalized for laziness and lack of facial care. 

Now that I am pushing 40, (okay technically  I’m really pushing 50 but I would prefer to consider myself more like 36 instead of my real age of 46) I hate what I see when I look in the mirror or see a photograph of myself. Not only has the eating my feelings diet totally exceeded my expectations but the turning my face into shoe leather years in the sun, combined with difficult life changes game plan, is also proving to be a strategy that is quite impressive. Go big or go home, right?

Keeping up with all that I have on my plate can often be overwhelming. I decided to try and find someone to clean my house every other week. I was able to get a referral from a girl who sounded great.  I will call her “Kim” to protect the innocent….I have a feeling she may make the blog posts often. “Kim” and I planned to meet at my house on Wednesday of last week so she could see the house and give me an estimate on what she would charge. I asked Kelsey, Erin and Ryan if they would please clean their rooms before Wednesday? When I went to bed on Tuesday Kelsey was in her room trying to get things put away that she had brought home with her from college on Sunday. 

I woke up Wednesday morning and checked on her progress…….

When I went into Ryan and Erin’s rooms it finally hit me. They must have ALL misunderstood me, my mistake. Apparently Ryan and Erin thought I said, make a huge pile of all of your crap and hide it to one side of your room. Poor little Kelsey must have thought I wanted her to run around and simulate an F-4 tornado. God love her she had to have been up all night working on her room. She really should take it easy the rest of the week.

When “Kim” showed up I let her know that when my kids didn’t pick up their rooms that she can just by-pass them when she comes. When I opened the door to Kelsey’s room to show her what I meant, I think I heard a gasp. 

Friday I decided to go to Target and get some closet organizer stuff, maybe that is their issue, they just don’t have enough closet space. I’m hopeful….. After I left Target I sent the girls this text message. 

So here I am on Saturday morning, sitting all alone in my quiet house working on homework for my statistics class. I can’t help but wonder what is the statistical probability that one of my kids will keep their room clean? 

I decided to take a break from homework and try out my newest wrinkle creams ( I have a whole arsenal of products).  I couldn’t read the directions because I am refusing to buy reading glasses. Why should I buy them, I’m not even 40….or was it 50???  Whatever. So here I am sitting alone in my kitchen with a face full of lotion that decided to slowly work itself into my eyeballs. After about 20 minutes, I was suffering from not only wrinkles,  but a runny nose from daily moisturizer making its way through my sinus cavity via my eyeballs. Blowing my nose every 10 seconds was nothing compared to the fact that my contacts were soon so cloudy from moisturize that I couldn’t see a thing. So much for positively radiant, maybe I should just take a nap, go to an all you can eat buffet or find a local bingo hall.