Tuesday, January 3, 2012

One of my New Years Resolutions was to update my blog more often. Already the 3rd of Jan, so much for resolutions. I guess it will be ok if I eat a row of Ryan's birthday cake later as well. If we are breaking resolutions here I may as well be an overachiever.

2011 like every other year had it's ups and downs. I received a promotion.....very good. I spent 4 days in the hospital...very bad. My van cost me $900 in repair bills....very bad. After spending $900 they couldn't fix it....even worse. I got a new car......very awesome. Shannon wrecked the jeep......very bad. Shannon was ok.....very good. My car insurance is going up....very bad. Some crazed pot smoking lunatics followed Lauren home and she had to call the police and out run them.....very bad. The police caught them and they went to jail...ha ha very good. I ran a half marathon....very good....it took me almost 3 hours...not good. I didn't pee or poop in my pants during the race....awesome. Erin went back to school in Alabama...very bad....very good...not really sure on that one? Sam's job is still going well...very good. Lauren moved to New York...very bad for me...fun for her. She has a blog 4000 times more exciting than mine.....fantabulous

Check out the adventure at www.Lifeofthelucys.blogspot.com

Here's to 2012. Bring it on!

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