I am posting the email that my husband sent out to his family about the Murphy happenings this week. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Due to constant whining at the Murphy Mansion last week since I only put out information on Sam scoring a goal, I thought I should provide an update on each person in the house:
Dave: Still a stud, no worries there
Colleen: Still secretly wishing Dave was Rick Springfield or Rick was Dave. I don't know, she has me confused. I do know that there is a giant Rick poster in her closet as of last week.
Sam: Spent last weekend with Bobby's foreign exchange student friend he dropped off on her so he could go have real fun. Called Dad for 7 days straight, talked for at least 20 minutes without taking a breath and never once asked how Dad was doing.
Lauren: Claims to have helped Mike build a dog house for their new dog, Mike's story is that she hammered only one nail and held a board while asking him "what does flush mean?" Spent weekend trying to determine which clothing items of hers Erin has stolen.
Erin: Was extremely excited that Colleen gave her a free doughnut coupon from QT, her life is now complete. Hint, good Christmas present idea for her. Spent remaining time on internet trying to find the sleaziest Halloween costume possible. Thinking up new clothes of Lauren's to steal.
Shannon: Text messaged over 1500 times and spent the better part of 5 days on facebook. Gave out 27,843 dirty looks to family members and brought laziness to a new level, unsurpassed in Murphy history.
Kelsey: Only tripped once coming into the house and spent entire week attempting to pass along to younger siblings any chore that was asked of her. Started fights and arguments with anyone willing to be around her.
Ryan: Did not get called to the principal's office or get a detention. Can do no wrong now that his teacher told Colleen that he really loves his Mom and he talks about her a lot. Maggie:
Maggie who? Oh yeah, #7.
Maggie got her second Halloween costume, she can now be either a witch or a very sexy/skanky Raggedy Anne. I am betting on the sexy Raggedy Anne
Grandma: Spent entire week glued to TV talk shows about election coverage and Dancing with the Stars.
Seamus: Managed to still pee in the house despite Colleen's best efforts in having him wear a diaper. The dog looks silly in his diaper and I think he is now going to pee on Colleens stuff the minute she takes it off of him.