Friday, November 4, 2011

I am still trudging along on my diet. The house is walking on pins and needles. Any wrong move and I could snap. The other night Shannon and Kelsey almost lost their heads for coming in my room with a bottle of Propel each. It is no secret that no one and I mean no one is allowed to touch my Propel. My diet consists of 5 Medifast meals aka meals fit for a small premature baby bird and one regular meal with lean meat and a vegetable. Flavored water has become my guilty pleasure. It is the closest thing to food I can have. They both laughed and then apologized and promised they would never drink my Propel again. I bought 16 jumbo size bottles on Sunday. I have drank 2. They are all gone, it is obvious that these kids really fear me.

Maggie needed help with her math homework last night. I reminded her that Dad was the smart parent, I am just a trophy wife. She reminded me that last time dad helped her with math, she cried......good point. Ryan is still in therapy for his lesson from his father on telling time in second grade. He will never be the same again. We somehow muddled through and I am awesome at dividing with decimals. Next homework project we have to make some type of spirit doll using a toilet paper roll. Can't wait.

The most exciting part of my weekend is attending driver improvement school in the morning. I got a ticket in Illinois on my way to Kelsey's soccer game in September. To avoid points on my license and higher insurance rates I opted for driving school. The class is from 8:30 to 4:30, should be a fun day. Kelsey is in a tournament and Shannon has to work. I could have someone drop me at school but I am afraid that my new friends at school will think I am there for a DUI. I am not sure what to expect from the class. My family all feel as if I could have used a driver improvement class years ago. Some of my children even claim that they get a queasy feeling after a car ride with mommy. I may ask my teacher for some tips to try and curb that.

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