Big families are never easy, but always fun. A sense of humor is a requirement while raising seven kids especially if 6 of them are girls.
My Blog List
5 years. It has been 5 years.8 years ago
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I have a paper to write tonight for my computer class that is due tomorrow. I am pretty tired so I doubt my paper will be spectacular, I am just hoping I can stay awake long enough to write it. Lucky for me I drank water all night so at least I will be writing my paper sober.
Monday, January 28, 2008
They had an open house at school today, I had Dave go since his hours are more flexible. I told him he only needed to go in the primary building since Kelsey was sick and Shannon the big eighth grader would absolutely die if one of her parents actually showed up in her classroom. Dave called when he got to school to find out Ryan and Maggie's teacher's names and where their classrooms were. I thought about giving him a brief description of Ryan and Maggie just to make sure he was watching the right kids.
I gained a pound this week. I guess that little piece of Kelsey's birthday cake that turned into three pieces finally caught up to me. I did Tae Bo again tonight. Sometimes it feels like those DVD's are 4 hours long!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Erin had to work this morning. The guy she likes worked with her yesterday and again today. Just long enough for her to get her little hooks in him. I think his name is Zack. Zack if you come across my blog and are reading this, RUN!!!!!! Run for the hills, she's crazy!!! He texted her tonight, that sparked a 20 minute debate on whether or not she should text him back and if so, how long should she wait. She wants to appear calm cool and collected. I can't remember ever having that much confidence when I was her age. Good for her, she normally quits liking a boy once they like her back, that's good for me.
I cut Dave's hair tonight, it was looking pretty shabby. He has the father daughter banquet with Erin on Friday night. Dave's hairline seems to be receding at a pretty fast rate. Erin walked by while I was cutting his hair. She picked up some hair off the floor and sprinkled it on the top of his head. She said "Umm we are going to need this for Friday." We all laughed, poor Dave, we still love you, even if you are starting to look like Bruce Willis!!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Sam had a tournament at an indoor soccer place by our house. Her soccer team hung out at our house in between games. That meant we had to get up early to clean our house so all those girls didn't know what pigs we really are. I was in the kitchen making cookies for the girls, Dave told Shannon that she had to clean the powder room. She very pleasantly explained to her father that she couldn't get her cast wet so she couldn't. Dave told her that it would be OK because it was a right handed bathroom and he was confident that she will be just fine. I told her not to worry, I wanted it done right, I will clean it. Due to the nature of the toilet seat in the powder room, Ryan is no longer allowed to use that bathroom. As a matter a fact I may strip him from all toilet privileges in the house if he doesn't improve his aim. Luckily our house backs to the woods so the neighbors won't see him looking for a place to pee after I strip him from all his toilet privileges.
Maggie had her little speech tonight in church. She did really well. She sat a few rows up across the aisle from us in church. I looked at Shannon and said "look at your sister." She was sitting in her pew picking her nose. I think my 14 year old was ready to die right there in church. I was thinking about pulling my chap stick out of my purse and throwing it at her to stop her from digging for gold in church. Instead I just pretended like I didn't know her.
We dropped off the kids after mass and took grandma to dinner for her 70th birthday. The place we went to sings to you if it is your birthday and has you sit on a saddle while they sing. Grandma made sure to let us know she was not getting on the saddle. So much for her wild side.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Little Kelsey is twelve today. It is so hard to believe that my babies are all growing up so fast. A boy in her class has liked her for a long time. Today he made her a birthday card and asked her to be his girlfriend. It was really sweet, he even drew a soccer ball with an NC logo for North Carolina on it because he knows that is where she wants to go to college. She told him thanks but no thanks. She felt bad after school and wrote him a note explaining that she only liked him as a friend. She told him that she was too busy concentrating on soccer because she wants to make the National Team someday. I wonder if he is the first 12 year old to be shot down because someone is hoping to be on the National Team in 10 to 12 years. Where could she possibly find the time!!!!
Erin still hates me, I think Shannon likes me again for now. I left a blank signed check on the counter this morning for grandma to pick up an ice cream cake for Kelsey. Erin saw the check and took it for her sweat pants she wanted to order from school. Did she really think I would leave her a blank check?? After all I don't do anything for her!!!
Lauren is on a ski trip in Colorado, I am hoping she comes home with all her bones in tact. Of course if she does break a bone, I may urge her to leave it until she returns home so I can go visit that cute ER doc that we saw when Shannon broke her thumb. Maybe he will be working when I snap and strangle Erin.
Dave read my blog today and threw away the poinsettia's. Maybe he felt guilty for being a colossal jerk last night. I had a rotten night with our two teenage daughters and he strolled in late from work ready to kill someone because he had a bad day at the office. Of course he is the only person who could have possibly have had a bad day. After all I am such a lady of leisure, what could I possibly have to be crabby about.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
Erin is happy for the moment, she cleaned out her checking account to buy herself a fancy new cell phone. I'm sure she will find something else that she can't live without by the time she gets her next paycheck. She had to go to the art museum for a class assignment. She called Dave in a panic because the gas tank in his car was on empty and she couldn't figure out how to get his gas cap off and it was as she says "like 2 degrees outside." He walked her through it, he asked her what the pump said and she said "do you want a car wash?" Dave asked her, "do you want a car wash?" She didn't think he was funny, how dare him let her use his car without filling the tank for the little princess.
Maggie had a birthday party to go to on Saturday, I completely forgot about it since I was in bed all weekend. I felt terrible, Erin felt sorry for her and decided to take her to McDonald's for a Happy Meal. She really can be a good big sister. (Of course she got the money from me to take her.)
The dog has not peed in the house all weekend. Dave thinks it is because I was home all weekend. For some reason that little dog adores me. Dave thinks he pees in my bathroom because he is mad at me for leaving. Does he not know that I can't stand him. I think the reason is more the fact that I was home to actually let him out to go potty. I need to train him to write a note on a brick that says "I have to go potty, please let me out!" and then train him to throw it at Dave and the kids when he is standing at the door waiting to go out.
Dave wanted to go to the History Museum today. The kids all kind of laughed at him when he asked who wanted to go with him. I would rather put a hot poker in my eye then go to the History Museum and I think my kids are just about as cultured as I am. He talked Ryan into going with him, he promised him that they would stop by a guitar store when they were finished.
Dave has just informed me that he is starting to feel sick. If he has what I had, we are all in trouble. I spent three days in bed, if he gets this we are looking at a month in bed along with bed sores and near death experiences.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
When I got home I noticed a funny smell. I looked at the stove and noticed that the burner was bright red. I asked Erin what she was cooking. She was upstairs texting like a mad woman. She said "Oh my gosh , I forgot, I was going to make oatmeal. The water had all boiled away and my pot was black. It is a good thing she didn't burn the house down while attempting to win Jonas Brother tickets. Shannon has a pet fish named Juicy Jonas, it is a combination of Juicy Couture, and the Jonas brothers. That would have been terrible if Juicy Jonas would have died in a house fire because Erin was trying to win concert tickets for his namesake.
I had to run to Wall Mart to buy more Tae Bo DVD's tonight. My skinny daughter brought hers back to college with her yesterday. She asked me the other day if I would be interested in buying her lap top from her. She wants to sell it to buy a Mac. Hmm let me think about that, do I want to buy the lap top that I bought her as a graduation gift. I am still paying on it on my Circuit City account, yeah, that's a good idea, I'll pay for it twice. No wonder I never have any money. Maybe if the Tae Bo tapes work and I lose enough weight I can buy back the sweater I bought her for Christmas when she gets tired of it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I have changed my hours at work starting this week. I had a meeting with my boss on Monday. She wanted me to come back and work full time. I had a few conditions, the main one was that I wanted to get off every day at 2:30 so I could be home with the kids. I am taking one class at school in the evening and two online classes instead of going to school two days a week. After she agreed to my new hours I said, "With that said, can I have tomorrow off to take Shannon to the doctor for her thumb?" She laughed and said "of course."
When I called the doctor that the ER gave me, they couldn't get her until next week. I called around and found a doctor that happened to be a hand specialist and his office was two blocks from Shannon's school. We got there today and they took more X-Rays. The X-ray machine was not quite as state of the art as what they had at the hospital. When the technician touched the foot pedal to lower the table, the pedal fell off. I thought to myself "this is not good." The doctor came in the room and said, "what did they tell you at the hospital?" We told him an he responded, "the x-ray came back negative for a fracture." I told him that the Er doctor told me that he had a hard time seeing it, but he blew it up on the computer screen and showed us, the fracture was right on the knuckle. The doctor took off her temporary cast, her thumb was still swollen and green. He said he just glanced at the X-ray and he wanted to take another look. He came back in and said , "the fracture is right next to the growth plate, it was hard to read, due to the X-Ray and the amount of swelling and bruising, I believe that it is indeed broken." He sent the nurse in to put on a cast and told us to come back in two weeks. I haven't mentioned this to Shannon but I think when I come back in two weeks her thumb might be on backwards. I 'm not too confident in this doctor, considering I practically had to put a red X on the X-ray to show him where it was broken. On a positive note, it was a quick visit, her appointment was at 10:30, I had her back at school by noon and that included a trip to McDonald's. How important is a thumb anyway? She has another one!!
I picked the kids up from school at 3:00 and hurried off to my school for my computer class that started tonight, the class is from 4:00 to 5:50. I got there and the halls were empty. I took out my schedule and noticed that I was a week early. What a dork I am. I did all that rushing around and I wasn't even supposed to be there. I came home and cooked dinner for my family. I actually got four of my kids to eat and I wasn't even serving macaroni and cheese tonight. Miracles really do happen.
My darling husband so eloquently pointed out that I left the jingle bells hanging on the front door when I took down the Christmas decorations. Now that he has finally put the Christmas tree away he feels it is safe to give me trouble about the jingle bells. The girls bathroom light is burned out again, I could wager a pretty safe bet that the jingle bells will be packed away before the lights are replaced in the bathroom. Not to mention the two poinsettia plants in my kitchen that I wanted to throw away Sunday when we were cleaning. He insisted that I leave them until Tuesday and he would get them out with the trash. Guess what is still in my kitchen??
Monday, January 14, 2008
Banana Split
Once Upon a time there was a wooly mammoth named Charlie, he had brown hair with big tusks. Charlie was kind of a leader. There was a monkey named Fred who had brown hair and he loved to eat bananas. Fred was kind of a slacker.
One day they were walking in the forest and they hit something. It was a tall ape; he was guarding the castle of King Donkey. The ape said in a grouchy voice, “Did you pay your taxes?”
“How much” said Fred? 1000 donkey coins said the ape. What!!! Exclaimed Fred, Charlie said, “This is all we have.” Holding up ten donkey coins. Aww, you don’t have the money said the ape. Then follow me, your going to prison. Charlie and Fred both said “WHAT”!! While the ape handcuffed them, he said “prison is where you have to do work filing King Donkey’s paperwork and making him delicious pies.”
Meanwhile, they were in prison. Fred said “we have to get out of here.” Charlie got out some giant toe nail clippers and started clipping away at his tusks. Fred asked him “What are you doing?” Charlie said, “Be quiet Fred, I have a plan.” Charlie used the pieces of his tusk to file away at the bars. Bingo they were free. A bird came along and Fred said, “Do you want to join the club? “We get jackets.” The birds name was patch. He said “I know where the donkey’s room is.” The ape was running after them so they started running faster. Fred jumped on top of Charlie’s back.Yee ha said Fred, the ape was running faster, Fred cried, “ride em cowboy” and slapped Charlie’s thigh. Charlie hit a dead end, a brick wall. Fred said “a secret passage way works for me.
There was a huge pit of boiling lava on the other side of the wall. The bird flew across; Fred swung from a vine to make it across. Charlie was too big. He found a piece of wood shaped like a surf board. He surfed his way across. They found a huge rope. Patch said, I think we are supposed to climb this. Fred stepped on his banana; it squished on the wall and made banana steps so they could climb up the wall. When they got to the top the ape was there. I will take him, said Fred. Monkey vs. Ape. The ape flipped Fred through the air. Fred shook his head got back up and squirted two bananas in the ape’s eyes, and then he kicked him in the face.
They came to a huge door with a huge lock. “We don’t have the key,” said Charlie. “No, but the ape does,” said Fred. They ran back and got the key and opened the door. There was no Donkey King inside but they found all the tax money. They returned to their village and returned everyone’s money. And they all lived happily ever after.
The End
Sunday, January 13, 2008
We had a busy weekend. Shannon had her championship tournament game for basketball. She blocked a pass in the last minute of the first quarter. It caught her thumb and she sat on the bench with ice on it for the rest of the game. I was sitting on the bleachers thinking, toughen up, put the ice down and get back in the game. We ended up losing pretty bad. She showed me her thumb when the game was over and it was pretty swollen. Thank God I didn't actually tell her to toughen up. We went to the emergency room after the game. I had Maggie and Kelsey with me. The doctor came in and I think my heart skipped a beat. Dave who??? He was talking to me about Shannon's injury and he was so darn cute, he could have told me we were going to have to amputate and I probably would have said OK. The nurse asked if she had taken anything for pain and I told her no because no one had any infant liquid ibuprofen in their purse at the eighth grade basketball tournament. Heaven forbid she actually learn how to swallow a pill. The nurse took us down to X-ray and Maggie was searching her body for old injuries. Shannon was getting too much attention. She came up with "My head hurts, I bumped it on the wall a long time ago," (Nice try Maggie, sit down and be quiet.)The doctor came back in a while later and told us her thumb was broken. He put a temporary cast on it and we need to see an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday. It was helpful that Kelsey was with us and made sure to point out to Shannon that it was probably the last basketball game she will ever play in her whole life. Thanks Kelsey, if I ever need someone to rub salt in the wounds again, I have my man!!!!! I called Lauren and told her what happened, she was out to dinner with Mike. A few minutes later she called back and said, "Mike wants to know if she can still hold a microphone?" Shannon said "don't worry, I already thought of that, it is my left thumb, I should be just fine."
Erin is working tonight. She noticed on the schedule on Friday that the cute boy was refereeing some games on Sunday morning. She decided to ask her manager if they needed any extra help on Sunday? Her brilliant plan backfired, he said "sure Erin that would be great, we need someone to work 5-9. " Now she is stuck working the opposite shift as the cute guy. How is he supposed to know he is her boyfriend when he still doesn't even know that she exists?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Yes, I know it is January 9th. I think the Christmas tree and ladder look fabulous in my great room. I am going to try a new angle. Honey if you are reading my blog, please leave the tree up for at least another week.
Erin got a call from her boss on Monday, he was short handed and needed someone to work. She works the concession stand at an indoor soccer place. He asked her if she wouldn't mind making the next weeks schedule for him. She couldn't wait to get to work. She had planned to schedule the cute boy (that doesn't know she exists yet) with her every night that she worked. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!! Unfortunately for her when she got to work he changed his mind and said "don't worry about the schedule I took care of it." Darn, she won't have to weasel Shannon out of those jeans this weekend after all.
Erin called me at work around 4:00. She said "where is everyone? All of the cars are gone and no one is home." I asked her what difference did it make. She said,"I don't have a car and I need to go tanning, my sophomore dance is coming up." I said, "don't you think it would be a good idea to find a date before you worry about your tan?" She said "I am bringing my boyfriend from work, he just doesn't know that he is my boyfriend yet."
The Toyota got picked up today. I donated it to goodwill. They told me to leave the keys in it. My mother was a little worried that someone might steal it. I figured since the car no longer goes above 30 mph I was pretty safe. Before I donated it I called a number that advertised cash for junk cars, they offered me $140. I decided to take the tax deduction. All that I have left of that little car is the huge oil stain in the front of the house. I think the neighbors may throw a party now that I have the oil gusher out of the neighborhood. The jokes on them, my van has an oil leak too!!!
I have reached day 9 of my diet. So far so good. I lost two pounds. WOO HOO, I am ready to eat a small child and all I have to show for it is two lousy pounds. I guess it is better then gaining. Dave and Kelsey ran three miles Monday night. She beat him by five minutes. Tonight he challenged her to a rematch. He took a five minute head start and told her to try and catch him. He beat her by less than a minute. I am sure she will get him tomorrow. I would have to take a 40 minute head start, and she would probably still beat me.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Today was the start of the kids first full week back at school. I should have gotten up a little earlier. I spent half my morning writing out checks for, lunch money, field trips, yearbooks and Erin's carpool. Maggie said she didn't need money because she has a credit card at school. She doesn't realize that I send money in so she has money on her lunch card. She will be Visa's best customer someday.
I looked over Ryan's homework after he went to bed. I didn't realize that he learned to write in Chinese. My boy is so advanced. He did a math worksheet and it was so sloppy, I hardly recognized one number. I believed I asked him to write his spelling words at least three times while I was making dinner. He somehow dodged that task without me noticing until he was fast asleep. He was however, successful at guitar hero this evening. Dave asked him if he got any TR's today. TR's (I'm not sure what it stands for) are like a demerit. If you get four you get detention and for each TR you lose your recess. Ryan said he had a sub today, lucky him, she probably doesn't even know what a TR is. If she comes back tomorrow I hope she knows how to read Chinese so she can grade my oh so gifted son's math worksheet.
Maggie smuggled three baby dolls in her backpack to school today. I didn't even notice her backpack bulging at the seems, I guess I was too busy writing checks. After school she told Shannon that she accidentally put them in her backpack. I am going to start frisking her in the morning. Ryan left his folder with his Chinese homework on the kitchen table. I told Lauren that I could probably bet the house that he will get in the van tomorrow without getting his folder off the table.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Dave talked me into going to the casino. I haven't been there in probably five years. I ended up winning a little over 100 dollars. By the time we were done we were down $15 between the two of us. We were getting tired and decided to leave. We couldn't believe that it was 2:00 in the morning. Not bad for two almost forty year olds who are normally asleep by 10:30. Dave suddenly felt the urge to poop once we got in the parking lot. He kept yelling at me to drive faster, he was afraid he wouldn't make it to the nearest gas station. I'm sorry but I don't feel like pulling out of the casino parking garage going 70mph. We exchanged a few pleasantries in the car on the way to the nearest gas station. The closest gas station didn't have a bathroom that didn't require getting a key from an attendant, their was a waffle house next door, he told me to go there. I dropped him off and contemplated leaving him there with the rest of the drunks. He finally came out and we headed for home. Yet again he complained that I wasn't driving fast enough because his stomach was upset. Had this been a real date I doubt I would go out with this impatient,hostile, diarrhea boy again.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
As promised, here is the picture of the hot pink room. They were going to paint the closet neon green. They painted the trim around their full length mirror with the green and came to their senses that the color was a little too wild. I can't bring myself to take a picture of the neon green mirror hanging on the hot pink wall.
I was off work today. I had Dave drop the kids off at school and I went back to bed. I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed my morning. I put the dog in his crate so I wouldn't have to listen to him gnaw on his leg in my bed while I tried to sleep like he normally does. I went grocery shopping to buy food for my new diet. It is expensive trying to be skinny. I bought Ryan a strawberry cake mix so I wouldn't be tempted to eat it. His favorite ice cream and milk shakes is strawberry so I figured he would like the cake and I would stay away because I hate strawberry. When it was time to sing happy birthday he was pouting because he couldn't figure out his Rubik's cube. We were done with the song and were waiting for him to blow out his candles. He said "I wasn't ready, I don't have a wish." Erin chose this time to point out to him that he had a pink cake with pink icing and pink candles. That went over really well, I think his wish turned into, I wish I had six brothers instead of six sisters. The candles melted to half their size before he finally blew out his candles.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Ryan's birthday is tomorrow. It is hard to believe that nine years ago tonight I was headed to the hospital in the middle of a horrible snow storm to deliver an 8lb bouncing baby boy. Of course had he decided to come on time, I could have avoided the snow storm and gotten an extra tax deduction. I guess I have enough of those anyway. Dave and I went shopping tonight for Ryan's birthday present. We got him a new bike. We debated between that and a shoe tying course. Grandma bought him heelies for his birthday. He wants to know if he can wear them to school. Like he doesn't get in enough trouble at school already. Lets just add roller skating down the hallway to the list. The kids all head back to school tomorrow. The house will be nice and quiet. I might even get a chance to play Wii. By three o clock I should be an expert.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Kelsey had her training session today with Lori Chalupny. She has been pretty excited all week. It was amazing that she would take the time to train with Kelsey, especially on such a miserably cold day. I got out of the car a couple of times to snap a few pictures. I lasted about two minutes and then got back in my warm car. Kelsey will remember this experience for a long time. It was pretty cool!!
Dave is painting Erin and Shannon's room. He took them to Home Depot and he said they picked out three of the ugliest colors in the whole store. We have hot pink and I mean "hot", neon pink and I mean "neon" and lime green, do I have to say it? I mean "lime." The green is for the closet and the pinks are for the walls. I asked him when he was going to paint my kitchen. I could tell by the look that he gave me that it wouldn't be anytime soon. He painted Ryan's room after we moved in and vowed that he would never paint another room in this house again. The girls finally wore him down. He put some paint swatches and a paint brush in their Christmas stockings. Erin got it right away, Shannon was a little confused as to why she got a paint brush for Christmas. She probably thought she could use it as a microphone to give her hairbrush a break.
I started my diet today. I did Tae Bo when Dave took the girls to Home Depot. Fifteen minutes in, I got a little nervous. I was afraid I may collapse and no one was home to revive me. I made it through the DVD in on piece. (one very large piece) We will see how tomorrow goes. I used to do Tae Bo every day after I had Ryan. I was nine years younger back then. It is so much easier to sit on the couch watching biggest loser then actually exercising. I prefer to watch. I have always been more of a spectator.