Monday, September 24, 2007

The kids' school has an online grade book. I love it because I can always see how they are doing without waiting until progress report time. Shannon is struggling with Algebra a bit this year and Kelsey has a couple of low grades in two classes. Since it is still early in the year, just a couple of bad grades can really bring down their average. Progress reports came home today, I told Shannon that she really needed to bring her math grade up and in no way shape or form was that grade acceptable. She then informed me with her 13 year old words of wisdom that she had read my blog and that my 73% that was a low C in my algebra class would be a low D at her school so technically she really had a D instead of an F if she was going on my grading scale. I told her nice try, make sure it is a B by report card time. She said OK but for some reason didn't ask me for help with her math.

Ryan had a baseball game tonight. He couldn't find his jersey before the game (how shocking!!) Shannon found it for him in the pile of clean clothes on his bed that he slept with last night instead of putting away. I am sure by tomorrow they will be on the floor for the dog to pee on.

The dog got hold of a pill bottle and ate through the cap. Shannon found the empty bottle with the pills on the floor next to it. Luckily he only ate a few or he would be going to live on the farm a little sooner than I had expected. I am not sure if it was a failed suicide attempt as a result of his long stint in solitary confinement on Saturday.

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