My Blog List

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Erin/Sybil passed her driving test yesterday. She got an 85%, I guess she brought her "safe driver" personality with her. We were hit with a snow storm last night so she won't be able to drive by herself until all the snow is melted. I can't wait until Monday to call the insurance company to add our third driver under age 25.

We had our soccer Christmas party at our house last night for Shannon's team. When our friend John got to our house last night he said, "my goal is to make the blog tomorrow." Fortunately for me he didn't dance on tables or walk around with a lampshade on his head. I will give him a shout out anyway.

My friends from high school were supposed to come over tonight but I had to cancel because of the snow. I am hoping to get a jump start on wrapping presents tonight. I like to make sure the kids gifts are fairly even, that is hard to do until I drag everything out and wrap it. Dave is driving Lauren to work tonight and will most likely be driving Erin/Sybil somewhere on his way back. She would probably just die if she had to spend an evening snowed in with her family.

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